April 21, 2019 | Childcare provided | Bring SomeBUNNY!
“Hoppy Easter!” my silly husband keeps saying.
I’d say that describes Easter quite well. Jesus hopped right up out of that grave and defeated hell, sickness and poverty! He hopped right over every obstacle we will ever face so that now by using His name we can overcome, no matter what we come up against.
Are you hopping over your obstacles in life or are they squashing you? Maybe you feel like it’s been the midnight hour. Trust me when I say that I understand! There has also been a time where within a ten minute span, I was overcome by so many testimonies I could hardly stand it! Major financial blessings…for the land project we are doing for ministry in India, free stuff given to someone unexpected, a life being completely rearranged, someone else rejoicing over something working out that hasn’t been working for years. So if you feel like you’ve been in a grave, the stone has been rolled away so hop on out and let’s all have a Hoppy Easter!!!!
6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man[a] must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.” Luke 24:6-7 NLT
He is not here, he is risen, that is why we are happy and that is how we are able to overcome! If you are looking for a place to spend Easter Sunday next weekend, let me cordially invite you to spend it with me at Harvest Church. We will have three service times, and childcare is available during all three: 8:30AM, 10AM, & 11:30AM on April 21st. See you there!