📸: Instagram//pinkladystyle
Just Another Manic Monday🎶….ohoooohhhh I wish it was Sundaaaay🎵🎶🎵🎶
You know the song and I’m sure you have sung it on those Mondays that weren’t going your way. Idea—Set out for the rest of TODAY to have “just another HAPPY Monday.”🎶🎵🎶 Set your mind on things above and expect it to be a good day, realizing that this is the day that The Lord has made…even Monday! Say this – I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. That means you will to or you choose to actually rejoice and be glad about today…just another HAPPY Monday!!
One translation of Ps. 118:24 says “This is the day of The Lord’s victory; let us be HAPPY, let us celebrate.”
Question: If you knew you were going to win your battle today, would you be happy and celebrate?
Question: What if I told you that you already won, even though it looks like you are down by 14 at the end of the 4th quarter?
Answer: It’s true! This is the day of His victory and therefore your victory, because you are his kid!! We are all His faves. He sees the end of the playbook, and He’s yelling, “We Win!!!!” So let’s start partying and being HAPPY {by faith} knowing that He’s got even this manic Monday in the bag!
Now go back to your desk, dishes, or appointment with your head held high humming…ohhhhhwoooooohhh Just another HAPPY Monday🎵🎶🎵🎵🎶