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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







January 13, 2024

What if the very thing you are resisting is holding you back?

Listen and learn
live a life that works


Disregard godly wisdom
take the long, bumpy road.

Humility lifts you up. It’s a paradox. People are so afraid these days of being controlled and have hyper boundaries, are filled with anxiety and distrust so much that it’s blocking them from the very answers they long for.

Position yourself under the leadership of a pastor who knows God and loves you, who has zero interest in controlling you but sees clearly what you aren’t seeing because of experience, anointing, spiritual responsibility and God-given authority. Gosh it will bless you. The Bible even says it this way – Pastors are a gift from Him in your life so when you reject this gift, think of it like how it would make you feel for someone to reject a gift from you. Oh, how this has been a massive blessing in our lives. I see people stumbling through life bumping into this and that when it’s all so unnecessary. Fear of being mistreated is causing people to mistreat themselves by disobeying scriptural principles around spiritual authority.

Has spiritual authority been abused? Yes.

So has the fashion industry. Doesn’t mean you never buy designer wear again of any kind or that you don’t wear clothes.

So has government. But it doesn’t mean to move toward a completely lawless society. That would be anarchy.

So has family. Doesn’t mean to stop marrying and having families. That’s unbiblical.

When we throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak to avoid some pain we are trying to protect ourselves from in relationships, we end up living a closed off life, shutting out the very ones who have the ability, desire, and anointing to help us most.

We do this our whole lives when we yield to our flesh instead of to the spirit with teachers, parents, leaders, spouses, and pastors. I get it. Yielding is scary, especially if you have been hurt. I have been hurt also and so I understand. But I also have been blessed by yielding, humbling myself to shut up long enough to listen to people who know more than me. I’ve been immensely blessed on every level.

My very life, abundant life, I get to live is in a large way directly related to mine and my husband’s yielding as much or more than our building things our own way. There is so much power in yielding to God and others and keeping a posture of learning and humility.

I think this is what is driving anxiety in this next generation so much. And in me lately, too. I’ve caught myself more anxious than I ever have been and it’s a result of me slipping into this worldly mindset mistaken for wisdom ( it is wisdom but it’s worldly wisdom – not godly wisdom! Big difference. Study it out in Proverbs.)

It seems to be all around us…that I’ve gotta protect myself from everyone and who can you trust and yada yada – FEAR. So let’s together get back to yielding or start yielding if it’s never been your go-to. Perfect love casts out fear. Let’s get Love ANYWAY back out and freshen up our love walk and when we do, we won’t worry and will be happy! Remember, love is the secret to a happy and fulfilled life. Scientifically proven and scripturally sound. Of course it’s true. God is love and He is the answer to it all! Even faith works by love so that’s also how we can believe ANYWAY in the face of anxiety. See, when we yield to Love Himself, we understand He is our rear guard. So what if people don’t do ya right? People are not your source. God is! We put way too much power in people.

I’m not suggesting fall hook, line, and sinker into some cult leadership. But I am saying, find a pastor you trust and get under his or her leadership and follow them as they follow Christ like the Bible says to do. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and wait for Him to lift you up.

Study Paul and Timothy, Elijah and Elisha, Naomi and Ruth, and Jesus and his disciples. I know mentorship has been abused and overused, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Connect with someone and spend as much energy receiving from them as you do trying to protect yourself from them. Do this and you will grow like never before in all areas of life and live a life that works a whole lot better than currently. Money back guarantee.

Happy Monday!


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