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Stress & ANXIETY

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August 25, 2024

Where Did All This Happy Come From?

Where Did All This Happy Come From?

Have you ever wondered where did all this happy comes from? For me, it started with a mission trip to Haiti. I joined a group of pastors’ wives and church leaders, not really knowing what to expect. Having already lived on the mission field in India for five years, I thought I knew it all. But as always, God had other plans.

On this trip, a comment from another pastor’s wife struck me deeply. She shared that her church only started to thrive when she and her husband got okay with themselves. It was a simple yet profound statement: “The church got okay when we got okay.”

This was a moment of revelation for me. I saw how genuinely happy the other women seemed, and I realized their happy wasn’t about their circumstances—it was all about their mindset. This was the beginning of a journey that would change my life forever.

Back in a hotel room in Miami, after the trip, I found myself in deep reflection, questioning my purpose and feeling at a crossroads. It was in this vulnerable moment that I heard God speak to my heart, saying, “I want you to be happy.”

I was skeptical at first. I thought God wanted me to have joy instead of happy. But as I prayed and sought understanding, I felt led to look up the definition of “happy.” What I discovered shifted my entire perspective:

Happy [Ha-pee]:

  • Characterized by good luck; fortunate (God’s favor)
  • Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy
  • Being especially well adapted
  • Cheerful; willing

I realized that happy and joy are not mutually exclusive. In fact, God wanted me to experience the fullness of joy that comes from His presence. This was a turning point for me—a moment of clarity that ignited my passion to help others find their happy in God.

Bottom Line: Love Equals Happy

Through this journey, I discovered that the key to happy is love. I came across a fascinating study from Harvard that spanned 75 years, concluding that the secret to a happy life is love. The study found that “Happy is love. Full stop.” This confirmed what I had been learning: true happy comes from loving God, others, and oneself.

The Bible affirms this truth in 1 Timothy 6:17: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”

My journey didn’t end with finding my happy. It sparked a mission to help others find their happy too. My book is a testament to this journey, filled with insights, verses, and activities designed to help readers embrace the happy that God wants for them.

So, if you’re wondering where all this happy comes from, the answer is simple: it comes from love—God’s love and the love we share with each other. Because, as I always say, “Bottom line: God equals Love equals happy.”

And guess what? You can experience more of this joy and happiness in person! Join us for Happy Girl 2024 in beautiful Mobile, AL on September 20th. It’s going to be a day filled with inspiration, connection, and a celebration of the happiness that comes from embracing God’s love.

Don’t miss out! Register today and be part of an event that will uplift and energize you. Click here to secure your spot and get all the details about Happy Girl 2024. I can’t wait to see you there!



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