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Happiness, Love

September 15, 2024

Balancing Happiness: Spirit, Soul, and Body

Hey there, Beautiful Soul! 🌟 Let’s chat about a topic that’s close to my heart: finding balance and happiness by nurturing all parts of who we are, our spirit, soul, and body. For starters, the Lord showed me a long time ago that he is so extremely in every area and that what makes him balanced. I think so often we try and pull back in some areas to find balance, when in all actuality, we need to go all out and in our walk in God to develop ourselves spirit, soul, and body. Boomshakalaka! Somebody post that on Instagram! 

Life has a way of tossing us around with its challenges, and it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily stress and self-doubt. But true happiness isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s about finding harmony within ourselves. The question is… How? Let’s break down how focusing on our spirit, soul, and body can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Nurturing the Spirit

When we talk about nurturing the spirit, we’re referring to our deeper connection with God and ourselves. Matthew 6:25-30 offers a beautiful reminder of this. It tells us not to worry about our daily needs, as God takes care of the birds and the flowers. If He cares for them, He certainly cares for us.

This verse encourages us to trust in that divine care and support. By acknowledging that we are part of something bigger, we can let go of some of our anxieties. It’s about recognizing that our worth isn’t tied to our circumstances but to the fact that we are loved and supported by something greater, actually someone greater, Love Himself. Since love never fails, embracing this mindset, embracing love Himself, helps us obviously find peace and reduces the weight of our worries. How is this the case? Because Harvard Grant Study scientifically proved that the secret to a happy and fulfilled life is love. 

Caring for the Soul

Our soul encompasses our thoughts, feelings, and the way we view the world. Philippians 4:8-9 guides us to focus on what is true, noble, and pure. This isn’t just about maintaining a positive attitude but about consciously choosing to think about things that uplift us.

When we intentionally direct our thoughts towards God and His ways instead of our way, we cultivate a mindset that fosters inner peace and joy. It’s about being mindful of what we consume mentally whether it’s the media we engage with, the conversations we participate in, or the way we talk to ourselves. By filling our minds with uplifting and virtuous things, we set ourselves up for emotional and mental well-being.

Honoring the Body: 

Our bodies are our vessels in this life, and taking care of them is crucial for overall happiness. Embracing who we are in Christ, accepting our physical strengths and weaknesses, and letting go of self-doubt are key aspects of nurturing the body. Mental well-being involves recognizing our feelings and working through them constructively, asking God to open the eyes of our understanding and to enlighten our hearts with hope for change when needed.

Being open to support from others and understanding that we’re not alone in our struggles can be incredibly liberating. When we connect with others and share our experiences, we build a sense of community and resilience. This collective strength can significantly impact our happiness and how we handle life’s challenges. How is this so? Because we are the body of Christ and each part of the body is there to serve the rest of the body. That’s why it’s more than a hashtag… We truly are better together.

The Reality of Struggles

Sometimes, even when it seems like we have it all, we still struggle. I’ve been there. I remember feeling overwhelmed and despondent despite having what seemed like everything. It was a time when tears flowed freely and creativity felt elusive. Here’s a raw reflection from that period:

“I have it all.
Happy? NOT so much.
Depressed, sound more like it.
Up writing this nonsense
With tears running down my cheek.
Why does creativity flow
When there’s so much left to know?
Confused, lost, and anxious,
Alone, hopeless, and at the end.
Then suddenly comes the thought:
I have it all.
For all this, I’ve fought!
Not to give up now,
Not to sit down.
Only to become prey,
Not gonna happen.
I’ll just be—

The Practical Steps to Finding Balance:

  1. Reflect on His Story (Reflect on Scripture): Take a moment to consider which aspects of your spirit, soul, and body need more attention. Are there areas where you feel out of balance? Find a verse that answers this problem. 
  2. Apply: Look for ways to integrate the truth from the scripture above into your daily routine. This will require setting aside time to seek God and His Word, for spiritual reflection, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in activities that nourish your spirit, soul, and body.
  3. Process: Spend some time journaling about your experiences and thoughts related to these practices. Reflect on how they’re impacting your overall well-being. Journaling has been proven to improve mental health. So even if it doesn’t feel natural, try it! It has been a game changer to me.
  4. Pray: Connect with God by meditating on His Word and praying according to His Word. That is how your prayers will avail much. (James 5: 16-17) What insights are you gaining? What are you grateful for? What is God speaking to you?
  5. Your Story: Picture or envision yourself living a life where your spirit, soul, and body are in harmony. How does this balanced state feel? What changes do you notice in your daily life?

Psalm 40:4 reminds us, “Happy are those who trust in the Lord.” Let this verse inspire you to seek balance and happiness in all aspects of your life. Remember, nurturing your spirit, soul, and body isn’t a one-time event but a continual process of growth and self-care.

Here’s to finding balance and embracing the fullness of life!



Join Us for Happy Girl 2024!

And guess what? You can experience more of this joy and happiness in person! Join us for Happy Girl 2024 in beautiful Mobile, AL on September 20th. It’s going to be a day filled with inspiration, connection, and a celebration of the happiness that comes from embracing God’s love. Click here to register and be part of this uplifting event. I can’t wait to see you there!

Adrienne Cooley is a speaker, author, and pastor’s wife who loves to inspire and connect with people. Adrienne created a happy sisterhood where women come together online and at her annual Happy Girl Conference to encourage each other, laugh together, and hear from God through amazing speakers each year. Adrienne’s first book Happy ANYWAY was the beginning of a series of women’s devotionals. Find More Topics on Our Blog

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