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September 1, 2024

Happy and Available

Finding Fulfillment in Your Single Years: Embrace Your Worth and Joy with God’s Love

Today, I want to share something close to my heart, something that I realized while thinking about a single mom in our church. She made me see just how often single moms and single women, in general, can feel a bit left out in our communities. So, let’s dive into a topic I like to call “Happy and Available.”

If you remember my previous blog, “Where did all this Happy come from?”, you’ll recall we talked about how the key to being happy is love. And not just any kind of love, but the love that comes from God and radiates into all areas of our lives. This is why our hearts often ache for a soulmate or why we find our emotions all tangled up in the state of our relationships. We’re wired to connect, to love, and to be loved, first and foremost by God. The depth of joy we feel in our human relationships will always mirror how deeply we connect with Him.

Ever heard that old song, “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places”? If we’re honest, we all have those stories. Times we looked for love or validation in people, places, or things that were never meant to fill that void. What are some of the “wrong places” you’ve looked for love? Maybe a few faces or names come to mind?

Now, here’s something that I’ve come to believe deeply: don’t go out there searching for a guy. It’s his job to find you! I know that takes faith and patience (a lot of it!). The Bible tells us that God loved us first (John 3:16). Over and over again in Scripture, God is portrayed as the Groom and His people as the bride. So, let’s get back to that idea where the man does the pursuing.

I think somewhere along the way, many women stopped reading their Bibles and started losing their sense of worth. We began to chase love instead of letting it find us. My mom, wise as she is, gave me some of the best advice: “Play hard to get, and don’t ever stop. Even after marriage, keep that spark alive. Men are hunters by nature if you keep them chasing, they won’t have time to wander elsewhere.”

I love that! These words shaped me into the woman I am today, and according to my husband, they made me a pretty good catch too!

“So for starters, don’t go looking for a guy. It’s his job to find you.”

Let’s Not Forget: God Loved Us First!

“God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” (John 3:16). This verse is a beautiful reminder that God loved us first. That’s the foundation of everything, including our happy and contentment in singleness or marriage.

So, whether you’re 18, 38, or 88, I want this message to serve as a reminder that your single years are a time to be enjoyed, not endured. Are you single by choice, or do you feel like you’re waiting? Either way, let this truth sink in: you are already complete in Christ. The idea that you “need” a man to be whole? Let’s put that one to rest.

Your worth, your happy, and your fulfillment start with your relationship with God. Let that be the center, and everything else will fall into place in His perfect timing.

Keep being happy, keep being available, but always remember: you are whole, cherished, and wonderfully made just as you are!



P.S. Here’s the best part: you can experience even more joy and happiness live and in person! Join us for Happy Girl 2024 in beautiful Mobile, AL, on September 20th! It will be a day packed with inspiration, meaningful connections, and a celebration of the happiness that comes from embracing God’s love.

Don’t miss out—register today and be part of an event that will uplift your spirit and fill you with energy. Click here to secure your spot and get all the details about Happy Girl 2024. I can’t wait to see you there!

Adrienne Cooley is a speaker, author, and pastor’s wife who loves to inspire and connect with people. Adrienne created a happy sisterhood where women come together online and at her annual Happy Girl Conference to encourage each other, laugh together, and hear from God through amazing speakers each year. Adrienne’s first book Happy ANYWAY was the beginning of a series of women’s devotionals. Love ANYWAY releases April 202 and Believe ANYWAY releases August 2020. Find More Topics on Our Blog

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