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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







January 20, 2025

Yield to peace…instead of anxiety.

Yield to peace…instead of anxiety.

Yield to peace…instead of anxiety. Ok, yea, but how?!?!?!? I’m so glad you asked!

Here’s the short version of an answer. { The long version is found in the first chapter of Happy ANYWAY, my first book, and the last chapter of my second book, Love ANYWAY. }

If you are taking the 30 Days of Happy Habits Challenge, you know this was Happy Habit #17 inside my facebook group. And so if this is a repeat for you, I double dog dare you to repeat it today for this Happy Monday Blog. Who can’t use a double dose of peace, right?!?!? And if you didn’t join the challenge, you still can!!! Just jump into my Adrienne Cooley FB Group and start on Day One and simply set a reminder or turn on the notifications for the next 30 days to remind you to hop in and start with Day 1 and follow along for the next 30 Days! I’m expecting many testimonies from you all as to how this will set you up for the best year ever!!!! If you will get serious about your happy, it could change everything. Your happiness level has been scientifically proven to affect your health, relationships, and success in career.

First, choose to believe the bible is truer than how you feel and to fully believe The Word which is The Truth that is truer than any fact you are worried about. It’s The Truth that sets us free scripture tells us.

Secondly, understand that according to The Word, when you were born again, all the peace you need for any given situation life throws at you is poured out inside of you. the Bible tells that the love of God is poured out in our hearts when we are born again. Peace is one of the fruit of the spirit that flows out of love. So just knowing it’s in you is half the battle.

Now time to yield to that part of you. Peace is part of God’s DNA and now that we are born of God, His nature becomes our nature. We just need to renew our minds with His Word to be strong IN HIM and in His strength instead of ours, to yield to God in us instead of our fleshly desires and nature. This is where people get mixed up and think its strength and will power but noooo, it’s actually all in the YIELDING – NOT in the DOING! It’s a matter of the heart.

Practice this:

1- Jot this in your notes or on a sticky note and put in your purse. “Happy are those who trust in the Lord.” Ps 40:4

2- Next time you are tempted to or find yourself worrying, read that and choose to intentionally, actively trust God in the situation.

3- Now yield your emotions and will, thoughts, and even muscles to lower your shoulders as if to yield and relax instead of tighten up to protect and go into fight or flight. Yield to peace.

You will notice you will think more clearly to then get yourself out of the situation, overcome it, or soar above it, paying it no attention exerting your energy on where it needs to be to have victory instead of into worrying which is like rocking in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.

Perhaps all the hustle and bustle could be replaced with yielding to peace and you may just be surprised of how far that will get you! #PeaceOfMind #mindfulness #peaceofGod #GodisLoveisHappy

Happy Monday!

God is Love is Happy,

Adrienne Cooley

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