Happy Monday!
I’ve decided to begin to share HAPPY HACKS with you on social media and thought I’d let you know that here and drop one in your inbox for today’s Happy Monday Blog! Hope you enjoy it and follow me on Instagram for more you’ll see on there from time to time! @addiecooley
Here’s a simple lil #HAPPYHACK that could turn a frustrating situation into another hour of joy and skipping through life instead of huffing and puffing and reverting back to childish self absorption over something not going your way ~
😤“You can get glad in the same pants you just got mad in!” Did you grow up hearing that like I did?
💯Well, I think we need to share this sentiment with the next generation like the one above us did us. And be reminded of it ourselves….
🍺 Accepting things you can’t change is not just for recovering alcoholics.
😩 Choose to not gripe about it or act like you can or will change it even tho everyone but you knows this situation is not in your power to do so.
⚠️ Warning: This is a tough one for all my Enneagram 8 sistuhs and bruthus. Also, if you’re a make life happen instead of let life happen kinda people like me!
🤪 Can I be real with ya? I know I can if you’re one of my readers or friends…ok, this one may hit ya the hardest but you’re the one choosing to still be reading this which means you must want and/or need this HAPPYHACK. Here’s the kicker: The real reason you throw a fit when something doesn’t go your way is one a few reasons ✅ you’re uneducated about it and think you know how it oughta be but you really don’t ✅ you are self deceived and about why you’re even upset and triggered not even consciously understanding why ✅ you need to grow up and grow a pair…of wings to fly higher and stop pecking around with the chickens about the lil stuff ✅ you don’t know who you are…who God says you are – more than a conquer – which means you can figure this out or handle it, no prob! ✅ you aren’t trusting God cuz if you were, you’d be glad in the same pants ya just got mad in. Ps 40:4
🏃♀️ Ok so now as I run off to my day and see if I can even live this out myself, assured one of you will call me out WHICH I WELCOME, not if but when you see me needing a reminder to take a dose of my own medicine. This stuff is hard! But it IS FOR SURE one of the biggest HAPPYHACKS of all HAPPYHACKS! Why do you think it drives people to drinking and helps them 🛑 STOP 🛑 if they put it into practice?!
If you missed my last blog post, “Crazy Faith,” you can catch up on it here. It explores the question, “What is the truth about your current situation according to the Word of God?” and offers insights that can help guide you. IG: @Addiecooley