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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







January 6, 2025

Is It Stress or Something Else?

Is It Stress or Something Else?

Is It Stress or Something Else? Ever feel like you’re trying SO hard to overcome anxiety or stress—praying, journaling, thinking positive—but it’s still there, lingering like that last guest who won’t leave your party?

Here’s something to think about: sometimes, anxiety or stress isn’t just emotional or spiritual—it can have a physical root. Yep, things like a thyroid issue, blood sugar levels,  or even too much caffeine (ouch!) might be to blame. The key is to figure out what’s really going on so you can stop stressing about your stress.

Is It Stress or Something Else?

Let’s look at this for a second:

  • Thyroid, adrenal, or parathyroid problems can mimic anxiety.
  • Too much caffeine or certain foods (MSG is sneaky, y’all!) can amp up those jitters.
  • Even some over-the-counter meds or supplements can mess with your emotions.

And get this—sometimes things like infections or even a vitamin imbalance can make us feel all kinds of off. How crazy is that?

Love Yourself Enough to Check

How often do we beat ourselves up, thinking we’re not spiritual enough or strong enough, when really, our bodies are waving a big ol’ red flag? We wouldn’t tell someone with a broken leg to just “walk it off,” so why do we do that to ourselves when it’s our mental or emotional health?

If something feels off, it’s worth looking into. Go to your doctor. Talk to someone who can help. Don’t ignore the signs your body might be giving you. You’re worth the time it takes to figure it out.

Here’s the Best News

At the end of the day, God’s got this. Nothing is too big for Him! Whether it’s something physical, emotional, or spiritual, the Great Physician is an expert in every area of our lives. So why not take a moment—maybe even right now—and ask Him for wisdom? He loves guiding His kids! One place you can get some wisdom is from The 30 Days of Happy Habits Challenge inside my Facebook Group! As I’m sharing the 30 Happy Habits over these first 30 days of the year, others filled with wisdom are also adding their two cents and it’s been so fun! Did you know some of my closest friends I talk with the most, I met because of social media?!?!? I am praying you find some of your new besties while connecting with new friends during this challenge! Join us inside TODAY! 💛

While You’re Here…

Need a little extra encouragement? Dive into: 

And don’t forget to mark your calendar for Happy Girl Getaways 2025—a weekend full of fun, faith, and finding your happy again. 🎉

God is Love is Happy,

Adrienne Cooley

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