There’s this word>>>>>>>>>E X P E C T A T I O N SHave you ever wanted something from someone and then it wasn’t enough or has someone ever wanted more from you than you had to give them at the moment?There’s this other word>>>>>>>>>>T H A N K F U L N E S […]
Love you! Love you more! Love you most! Remember in high school fussing over who loved who the most? Those fun, sweet memories actually made me think back to more recent times within the past decade or so when I have felt like I loved more and most really wanting someone to match my love, […]
You want to be unapologetically you, be understood with total confidence about who you really are? Good. Bad. And ugly. How? Please tell me how? This was my question several years ago when I was trying to be ok in my own skin… own skin that was and still is wrapped around way too much […]
Seriously?!?! What good you may ask in a world gone crazy?! Confession time on this Monday morning… Is it ok if I show you my weakness and get real? Is it ok if I tell you I haven’t really been happy ANYWAY this weekend? And quite honestly I’ve had a hard time loving ANYWAY this […]
Memorial Day…….what is it to you? As I was growing up, it was a day off of school right before summer. Then it became a day off of work when we would go to the beach with friends or cook hamburgers on the grill and gather with family and friends. Eventually I realized it really […]
What’s the biggest gift you have ever been given? I was trying to think of the biggest gifts I have ever been given and some of my first thoughts were…. • My brand new red 1990 Cellica when I graduated High School. • My now three wedding rings. Who loses their wedding ring…twice?! This one […]
How was your Pandemic Mother’s Day? I was super honored to get to preach in two services miles away from each other thanks to technology. My dear friends Pastors Tim and Linda Seidler were so kind to have me be a part of their Mother’s Day service at The Experience Church along with 4 other […]
Hi Girlfriend! Praying for you this morning!!! Praying that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened that you will know the hope to which you are called to and that you will know the depth, length, and heights of God’s love, that you would put on love which is the bond that holds any […]
Picture the last time you touched your toes. You know that feeling that hurts a little but you know it’s good for you? I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling not just a little stretched right now but a lot stretched. At one point just yesterday, I really wanted to scream to the top […]
You didn’t hear back from someone. You were left out of something. You just don’t feel like you are measuring up to someone that matters to you. There seems to be a rub or a weird vibe with him or her. You discerned someone was upset with you. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar […]