Fourth grade. Mclaurin Attendance Center. Star, Mississippi. About ten yards into the woods on the north side of the playground. A few girls with flowers in hand 🌸 would pick one petal at a time. He loves me. He loves me not. As the last petal fell to the ground we would in fact know […]
We are watching Alabama football tonight in the National Championship. It is yet to be determined who will win even as I write. Whoever wins, the other team will go away with lots of lessons learned to use for their next season. I’ve heard good coaches and I think even Nick Saban say just that […]
Happy 2018!!! I hope you have the enthusiasm I have about this new year! So many I have talked to truly have this expectation and hope for a bright future like I haven’t seen in a while….a twinkle in their eye, a pep in their step looking into this New Year. Not sure what your […]
Happy Monday evening! Like you, I’m going a hundred miles an hour with all the Christmas hustle and bustle on top of work and family. For that reason I am just getting to this blog today. Honestly I had totally forgotten about it until just a few minutes ago while out shopping and […]
1 Corinthians 13 {the great love chapter} amplified and with commentary…… “Love endures with patience and serenity,” Love endures. Love doesn’t quit. Love has patience with others who are not having patience with you. Love understands that there are some things you cannot change and must accept. Love knows the only way to […]
Ya win some and ya lose some. Ya live and ya learn. Have ya noticed the ones who stick around through the ups and downs? Not sure about where you are on life’s journey….in an up or a down, in a living or a learning season. But I look back and see lots […]
Look up from where your help comes! People who are always looking down at the ground double checking every step they make might avoid pot holes but their fascination with safety is often driving them crazy! How do I know this? Because this describes how I have been at times. The very fear you have […]
Vision boards, goal setting, motivational podcasts, positive affirmations, go big or go home!. I am a big fan of all of these. Over the past year to 18 months, I have crammed all of the books, blogs and podcasts on this subject into my brain that I can find. I even stepped out and hosted […]
The weight is too heavy because you were never meant to carry it. Throw the whole weight of your anxieties onto Him! For you are His personal concern! 1 Peter 5:7 What are you carrying around that you were never meant to carry? The reason we tremble under major emotional pain is because He […]
A very wise mentor of mine once told me this when she found me crying in the ladies room at church one Sunday when I couldn’t understand the rejection I was experiencing at the young tender age of 20 something. It was our first job in ministry and I was new at all the expectation, […]