All you Mom’s, I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I had such a special time with my precious boys and family. I was so thankful to have my boys with me and spend some fun time together. I hope you got to do that with either your mom or kids…or if you’re lucky, […]
Today’s blog is a repeat from the Monday following my Mom’s life celebration. This will be my first Mother’s Day without her and so far approaching it seems harder than her birthday or Christmas. It just doesn’t seem real and it’s like another wave of hard lately. If you have experienced loss in any way […]
Do you love you? or Are you frustrated with you? Do you do what you do to impress everyone else? or Is your drive to succeed out of a true Love for God and about you being your best simply because you want to be and God wants this or that for you? […]
Enter His gates with thanksgiving in our hearts. Enter his courts with praise. Words connect us to God. Wonder how much it would change our relationships if this is how we entered the room with our friends and family? How often do we enter our offices, homes, or a lunch appointment with a friend […]
Yesterday was my main most squeeze’s birthday and this was what I posted on social media…. Happy Birthday to this guy who is always laughing about something, being silly or saving the world… Or he might be playing soccer with the boys on Sunday league or trying to get me to stop working and go […]
“Hoppy Easter!” my silly husband keeps saying. Got to thinking about what a great blog that would be for this week….. Have you ever heard someone say, “Things are HOPPING!” ? It means things are going well. There’s a buzz. Lots of people involved. Movin and groovin. Today in the office, I […]
Last week we covered one hindrance to happiness in the Happy Monday Blog. This week I want to talk to you about a word that has haunted me on and off for years and could be something that has likely hounded your tracks in some way as well if I had to guess. It […]
So have you stopped to think lately what is it that gets in the way of your happiness most? I would propose it isn’t the stuff you think it is. At least that’s what I’m finding out for me. Visiting with a friend this weekend and she said something that really stuck…”Its never really […]
Today is a day the whole world celebrates happiness so as you would guess, it’s one of my favorite days of the year! Let’s celebrate today that “God is the source of our happy.” Psalm 43:4 GNT Take the extra minute you would normally use by reading this blog that’s usually a tad bit […]
Did you know “happy” is a verb? Well today it is….. How do you happy? Some people happy by reading or playing a sport or doing yoga. Others meditate or spend time with friends and family or paddle board (one of my favorite ways to happy). Today I want to call you to […]