This shopping is next level…literally! All day I just kept thinking of Madam Blueberry from Veggie Tales. I have been to Stuff Mart. There are few things as fun as shopping with friends, laughing til you cry, and experiencing new stuff together. But to shop 3 buildings of 10-15 floors each?! Really?! And for […]
So how do you get THAT happy? Furthermore, how can you LIVE that happy? We all fell in l.o.v.e. with Mater on Cars! And we fell in love with that phrase because we all, admit it or not, long to be happier than a tornado in a trailor park, don’t we? I am living […]
~Happy Expectations~ What do you find yourself doing more? Being hopeful of happy expectations or dreading things going wrong? Fear keeps us from hoping. You’ve heard people say it. “Don’t get your hopes up! It’s probably too good to be true anyway.” Well, that may be true for a doubter. But for […]
” …speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; ” (Ephesians 5:19 NASB) This is so funny and sort of unbelievable. As a child my favorite songs were called “It’s a Happy Day” and “Happy In The Lord”. Still to this day, […]
~Happy Environments~ God made nature so extravagantly. Have you ever wondered why? When I was a little girl, we had a pond behind our house. There was a picturesque meadow on the other side of that pond that filled with beautiful flowering weeds each summer. There were those tiny purple flowering weeds, dandelions […]
Have you seen Juicy Juice’s latest commercial? This is their lil jingle – The happy comes straight from the fruit. That is so awesome!! As soon as I saw that while making a pic stitch and waiting for my Instagram Image to be ready to export to my photo album, I immediately thought of John […]
~Happy Camper~ We have all heard this term before – “Happy Camper”. The definition of happy camper is actually stated as “a contented, satisfied, or uncomplaining person”; or, “a happy person”. When I hear those words, Happy Camper, it takes me back to my childhood in the 70’s and teen years in the […]
Happy Memorial Day? Think about it. How can we even say that? Isn’t Memorial Day about remembering the thousands that died for our freedom? How happy is Memorial Day for the family who just lost someone? Probably not very in one sense. Yet in another sense, the honor and the pride they must feel to […]
“Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.” Matt 23:11-12 Msg This way of thinking is so opposite of how so many think. […]
~Happy Talk~ Are you a happy talker? Check out these verses to sort of check up from the neck up. Jot down or copy and paste the ones you might need to focus on. What if these verses described the way we talk day in and day out? How much happier would we be? How […]