“Don’t be ‘angy’, Papa! I just a widdle boy.” Garrison Cooley (age 3) Those words ring in my head when we as Christians, friends, family, church family, work buddies get angry or irritated with each other and choose not to work things out between each other. Those words were spoken by Garrison when he didn’t […]
How was your Pandemic Mother’s Day? I was super honored to get to preach in two services miles away from each other thanks to technology. My dear friends Pastors Tim and Linda Seidler were so kind to have me be a part of their Mother’s Day service at The Experience Church along with 4 other […]
“But I don’t have enough money to shop like I want for people I love so it’s sort of depressing.” “But it’s so busy and hectic, how can I even enjoy it?” “But I lost a loved one. How can I be happy?” “But the holidays brings back memories of what was and […]
If you follow me on social media you may have noticed me using this hashtag lately #happyontheoutside so I’ld like to explain what that’s all about… When I was a little girl one of my favorite praise songs in Childrens’s Church went like this ~ Something on the inside working on the outside. Oh […]
This past week I attended Leading and Loving It. What a great week in Las Vegas with women in ministry from around the world. There were so many new and old friends there that were super fun to see and hang out with. Two of the break out sessions I went to talked about soul […]
A friend who is doing #whole30 told me recently that they say to stay away from “foods with no brakes”. Such great advise. Advise I am attempting to follow. So far so good. This single shift in thought about food is really healthy and helping me already. It helps to take away the need to […]
The Harvard Grant Study was a 75 year long most elaborate study ever done that scientifically proved the secret to a happy life. After following hundreds of people through 75 years, the final analysis was this – The secret to happiness is love. Full stop. There is is more detail of this in my […]
It’s a common occurance at our house to have an empty soap bottle laying on its side with the top off or find the honey bear upside down propped up somewhere to get the last little bit out of there…even if there is a new one in the cubbard. I think…”throw it away […]
Before becoming happy anyway, that’s exactly what I was doing…giving on debt. It’s not enough to have old stale manna from heaven. Girls, I had some of the best old stale manna. I had heard some of the best teaching on the planet and had heard from God personally in some pretty awesome ways. But fresh […]
Go where you are celebrated and not tolerated was one of the very first leadership principles I learned in the early 90s just starting out in ministry. Have you ever heard that phrase? Probably have and if so, are you following it? To be honest, this phrase never struck a real emotional chord with me […]