Excited about seeing friends this week in Nashvegas is an UNDERSTATEMENT.
A few snapshots from last year
It was two years ago at this conference that I sat across the table from ladies, some, who were broken like I was at that time. We have since cried on the phone together, encouraged each other over text or social media and shared our struggles that get all too real sometimes. At the beginning of it, I knew I was “tired” but I didn’t realize how broken I was until the days went on.
Leading and Loving it is an organization led by Brandi Wilson and Lori Wilhite that is breathing life into Pastor’s wives like nothing I have ever seen. This year, I am extra excited that Lisa Young will be there. I sometimes laughingly say, “I found my happy in Haiti.” That was a C3global Girls trip I was on with Lisa.
To me, going to Leading and Loving it is like going to a place of refuge safe from the storm. Life is filled with battles. It’s going to be so good to just go and hug necks, laugh, and encourage each other in a safe environment with a bunch of girls who “get eachother”. If you are a pw, get there if you can. Go to Leadingandlovingit.com and get involved. Also, I have 2 extra tickets if anyone wants one, you can comment here or FB me.
So, are you leading and loving it or does leading and hating it sound more like it? I’m sure we have been to where both of those have been true, no doubt. But I’m telling you, you CAN get your happy back! I did. It was much due to LLI & also C3globalgirls. The point is this: if you are going to lead and love it, you are going to have to come out of your shell AKA your cell. It is not healthy and feels more like prison than ministry when we try to go it alone. Get over yourself and reach out. Risk the rejection. And guess what, you will feel some rejection a little in the process but that’s probably you more than them. And if you have people around you, they can assure you of that along the way. We women, are more insecure than we want to admit. I don’t think of myself as very insecure, but you know what, we ALL have insecurities. Here’s the deal- the more we open our hearts up of love and are genuine with eachother, the stronger we will be to overcome all that there is to overcome – whether it is carpool mania, the laundry giant staring us down, or the big stuff.
Here is is what I love about this group of women. This verse best exemplifies Leading and Loving It to me….
“If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care — then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.”
Philippians 2:1-4 MSG
When a bunch of women who are leaders can come together like this, not pushing themselves to the top or having any agendas except to lend a helping hand to each other when we need it, how refreshing that is! If you are a pw and don’t have this kind of support system, please let me know and I will direct you to the various Connect Live and Connect Local groups with LLI around the country. You will ❤️💖❤️ them. I have! It’s a true lifeline. I actually am leading and loving it now thanks to it. Counting down the minutes💃🏻⏰
Happy Monday, y’all!