Do it NOW! If you haven’t started this devotional, what are you waiting for? It’s the year of happy!!! βπβπΒ
I heard Terry Savelle Foy say that some famous guy whose name I should remember but don’t said this often, “Do it now.” It was his motto he lived by. I like that. It reminded me of the section of each chapter of my book “Happy ANYWAY”. The section is called Own Your Happy. It’s sort of a call to action & summary of the chapter with bullet points Decide. Determine. Do. which I noticed is Beach Body’s motto.
I realized that this is exactly what happened to me & it can happen to you. I decided I would take 2 days to myself and pray after a trip I took with c3global to Haiti 2 years ago when we returned to Miami. Then I determined to “hear from God”. When I did, I simply did what I heard in my heart to DO. It’s really not complicated. People struggle with vision, destiny, callings, purpose. When we walk with God & talk with God, He speaks to us on the inside scriptures tells us. He is our sure guide…to the tune of my husband’s song “Clean Heart”. {shameless plug} And all that becomes clear when we take TIME out of our busy schedules to listen to what He tells us to do & simply obey.
When we keep it that simple, we stop procrastinating doing His will. We finally get to doing what God called us to do instead of cluttering our lives with our plans. When was the last time you got away and was quiet & knew that He is God as the Bible says? Oh how peaceful things become in His presence. Oh how you just know what to do in His presence. Oh how simple things become in His presence. Oh how well we prioritize our To Do Lists in His presence. Oh how kind we become in His presence {and that will help us all in carrying out His plan for our lives}. Oh how loving we become in His presence. {Love never fails!} Oh how there is fullness of joy in His presence!!!!!
And guess what?! Here’s one thing I know needs to go on your To Do List….Enjoy all things richly that God has given you!!! His Word tells us He wants us to do that! Guess what the definition of being happy is???? Enjoying joy!!!! So top 2 things to DO NOW are:
1-Get in His presence where there is fullness of joy!!
2-Enjoy your joy which = Be happy!
Guess what will automatically get on your list if you do those 2 things? You will begin to trust God. Why? Happy people trust in the Lord. Which comes first? The chicken or the egg? Trust or Joy? Actually what comes first is getting in His presence and those 2 things are byproducts as is love which will cause you to never fail. Hey, a fail proof To Do List?! What?! That’s heaven to me!! Don’t ya just love check marks?!?!
To be honest, the number one thing that makes me freak out, lose my happy, & just not be an enjoyable person to be around is my To Do List I think I have to do NOW. Try this. Put these on the top of the list & you will soon see like I have that the rest works out. You then know what’s next in the right order to “DO NOW”. Then there comes peace with that statement instead of anxiety. The Lord JUST recently showed me this in this way so let’s all check up on each other in the coming days & weeks. Feel free to ask me next time you see me ~ “What’s on the top of your TO DO LIST?” Let’s be a #happysisterhood instead of a #stressedoutsisterhood Let’s Do It NOW minus the anxiety. Yes, read that book now. Plant that garden now. Book that family vacation now. Call up that friend for coffee now. Take that class now. Go on that date now. Go for that dream now. But first, get in His presence and watch your joy be full as you read, garden, plan, and do all those things you have to do.
And remember that no matter what’s going on in life, you have a scriptural right to be happy anyway! Enjoy His joy and watch your strength increase!
Happy Monday…ANYWAY!!!
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If you enjoy this blog, please share it! Copy & paste part of it, all of it. Copy the link. Tell friends about it. However you can, join the happy sisterhood & spread the happy with us!!! Of course, if you haven’t started the Happy ANYWAY 6 week devotional yet, you can get it or on Amazon Prime. 10 minutes a day and before you know it, you’ll too be happy anyway!!!
If you would like me to speak at your church, in your living room, at a formal or informal work luncheon or women’s conference, please email me at I will speak to 10 or 10,000 or anywhere in between as The Lord leads.
Please pray for me as I begin to book up! I covet your prayers. I’ll be in Montgomery, AL Feb 26-27 β’ Brazil March 8-14 β’ Author’s Round Up Fairhope, AL April 1 β’ & some other things are in the works for April & May.