Photo from this weekend as I was flying into Tulsa
A decided heart gets what it wants.
Being indecisive goes by the way side when you actually can “see” what could be yours. Wether it’s a new kitchen, an outfit, an event, or a life out in front of you, this has become so evident to me. A decided heart gets what it wants.
I think of decorating because we are remodeling our basement. My husband kept asking, “What do you want?” I kept showing him our Pinterest board. Though we had narrowed down the look and general direction, it wasn’t until we decided we want this specific color on the walls, this bed, that new sink, this sofa…that things began to pick up the pace. And until we decide on the flooring, it will remain old snagged, stained carpet. Simple fact. A decided heart is the first step to making progress toward a desired result.
I always thought of myself as an indecisive person. But as I have begun to really step into my calling and grab hold of things by faith I am believing for in life, I have noticed something. I’m becoming more decisive. Why? More confident? No. Going for it ANYWAY? Yes. The possibilities are becoming more a reality in my mind and heart first. When I can “see it”, I go for it with all the obstacles loud and clear in the background. Haters hate. Life happens. Stuff goes wrong. People you love struggle. Self doubt alludes. Schedules get crazy. All that be as it may, eyes stay piercingly intent on the vision ANYWAY. For me, when I have a decided heart none of that matters. Well, it matters in varying appropriate degrees but never enough to stop the dream from becoming a reality if indeed the dream is from above. When we are convinced the vision is from God, all hell can break lose and I promise it will {to try to stop you from ever realizing your dreams} but remember a decided heart gets what it wants.
You have to be like a dog on a bone. The minute you let go, you do just that…you let go of what you could have had. Don’t let go. Don’t ease up. Don’t give up. Will there be a few “oh well happy anyways” along the way? You better bet your bottom dollar there will be. But just say exactly those words #ohwellhappyanyway & keep on truckin’ !
What in your life right now ~ little or small ~ do you need a decided heart about? Make up your mind to agree with what’s in your heart and go for it! All things are possible to those who will believe & are called according to His purposes!! I know I am called according to His purposes so no devil in hell or hater on this earth can stop the plan of God being carried out by this girl! You get convinced like that and you too, will become unstoppable! It’s just flat true ~ a decided heart gets what it wants.
Happy Monday y’all!
Follow me @addiecooley on FB, Insta, & Twitter so I can keep you encouraged to own your happy & spread the happy to everyone around!