This weekend will be like…
I think of sisterhood as a “boy mom” who has only brothers of my own. Sisters can be real jewels and otherwise so I’ve heard. I wouldn’t know.
The fun thing about joining a sisterhood is that you join it by choice. You may have been in a sorority or part of the junior league or maybe in a swim club or garden club. { Shout out to all my KD sisters out there! } There are all different kinds of sisterhoods.
Hillsong’s Bobby Houston has the Colour Sisterhood down under. My friend Amy Schaefer in Pittsburgh has a thriving sisterhood called Flourish Sisterhood. My Flavour Sisterhood cookbook adorns my kitchen and makes me happy each time I see it as I think of my sister and mentor Lisa Young.
You know, the older I get the more I value sisterhood. Our husbands and families of course come first but there is just nothing like getting together with friends where you totally get each other and you can be laughing one minute and crying the next. You talk over eachother with excitement to make sure all one million words that soooo need to be said get said. You relax after the initial “Gosh, is she going to notice I’ve lost or gained a few pounds since I saw her last?!” thought rushes in and then right out of your mind when you come to and remember “Oh who cares? This is my sister who I’m safe with!”
The heart is so fulfilled when you’re with good friends where there is no lack of expression of love and acceptance. Relational thermometer is all the way up. Tank full. Fun had. The entire world’s problems solved.
I think of times with some of my dearest friends over the years sitting on the kids’ swing years ago in the back yard having deep meaningful convo. that strengthened my marriage. I think of coffee in jammie’s all day long with another friend redecorating the whole house or organizing her study and art supply cabinets. I think of a concert to see Journey in New Orleans. I chuckle at the rememberence of KD pledge class slumber parties. Wonder where all those sisters are these days. Sweet memories all the way back to high school and the group of us girls who were so close and did everything together.
No matter what stage in life you are in I hope you have a sisterhood! It’s really important especially for those of us who don’t have sisters or daughters and now my Mom is in heaven so don’t have her either. Man I’m missing her so much!!!! But I’m so so thankful for my happy sisterhood and am counting down the hours to be with you all this weekend!!!! I love each one of you and I hope you get some rest this week because this Friday is not for sleeping! I plan to party all night with y’all and sleep next week some time!!!! If you don’t know what I’m talking about it’s not too late! You need a sisterhood? Join us in Orange Beach this weekend with the happy sisterhood at Laugh Love and Live Conference! Register at It’s going to be a blast! A giant slumber party on the beach with friends! I can’t think of anything better right now. Until I see you and kiss your faces…. ❌⭕️❌⭕️
“iron sharpens iron,so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17
Happy Monday!!!
So excited to be with the sisterhood this weekend! Ya Ya sisterhood was a great movie!