#livebeyondinstagram #itsnotreal
When I see this picture {pretending I’m not the one who took it} I see a beautiful morning with perfect weather. {It actually was that} Then my mind {if its eye was on YOUR page seeing this} would TRY to go on to think 💭 Oh to have the time for just a leisurely stroll with the dogs. Picturesque ~ Pretty 🐶 🐶ies ~ Beautiful grass ~ Peace ~ {When in actuality the walk was a constant detangling mess….pictures I didn’t take. Then I had the thought for this blog and wished I had. But I also got convicted that I was playing the game…thinking of what a cute post this would be on Instagram and how it was a false reality. The struggle is so real and our authenticity about our life is paramount to others’ survival who are looking on.} Back to the confessions of my mind’s thought processses and yours too by the way IF WE LET THEM JUST WONDER….Next thoughts after seeing such a photo might go something like this….Look at that perfect grass. Ok bet they live in this gorgeous posh neighborhood and have this or that. Then true jealousy and covetting sets in about things that may or may not even be true. The mind is a crazy little critter if we leave it to its own devices. That’s why it’s important to renew our minds with the Word of God constantly and stay in His presence where there is fullness of joy and wisdom. Also so important ~~~ live in community where we laugh and play together and work together and let people correct us – even when we hate it and want to be offended but we trust people with our hearts so they can help us correct the real matters of the heart that maybe we don’t even see are there. Where this gets messy is when you do that and someone betrays you or deserts you or walks away right when you needed them the most. This has happened to us all and most of us…maybe not meaning to have done this to people. Ouchy, right 😪 Sorry but gotta give you some tough love that I’ve needed and gotten before….Wahhhhhh😭 Welcome to life and living it with other humans that are as messed up as you and I are! It’s still the worse thing ever to isolate yourself and give up on anyone or give up on being close to people. Will people let you down? Yes! Will you let people down? Yes! But the fact that Harvard discovered in the 75 year long study that I discuss further in my book Happy ANYWAY, the secret to life is LOVE—learning to receive it and not push love away. That happens in community. Also love is not envious or jealous or boastful. Love does not covet…..So next time you go to post a boastful pic or you scroll over to someone you have in your mind’s eye that “has it all” and before long covetous, jealous or envious thoughts come {like Awe man if only I could have that or live like that or had only I worked just a little harder or when I get this then I’ll be happy — you know those subconscious thoughts we all have if we are honest from time to time} DO THIS—
• Think “Ok there is so much about that which is not pictured. “
• Think “I CHOOSE to be thankful and content with where I am, who I am, and what I have.” I start naming things and science has proven that in 5 minutes your mood will lift and instead of FEELING on the bottom of the world, your mind lifts you to the top of the world! Same 🌎! Different thoughts about it.
•Think “These assumptions I am making are not even founded or accurate and even if they were, comparing will only sink me lower.”
•Think “Is this post I’m about to post about reality with the purpose to connect or about making something look a different way than it is to impress?”
•Think “Get up from here. Get in the Word of God and go do and be who it says you are {AWESOME SAUCE} & go get what it says you can have {A TON OF PROMISES. YOUR DADDY IS THE KING OF ALLLL KINGS} and start going in the direction He leads you to be where you want to be {LAUGHING LOVING AND REALLLY LIVING THE HIGH LIFE HE HAS CALLED YOU TO!}
and stop acting like you have it all together or thinking anyone else does. I know it’s so last year or two but it’s still one of the best hashtags ever #thestruggleisreal but you know what is even better? #HappyANYWAY
Happy Monday Y’all 😍😘
p.s. Keepin it honest…sorry this blog is a lil over 2 minutes but just couldn’t shorten this one. Hope it was worth it❌❤️