Got baggage?
Recently, I took a trip to Boston with my husband to meet some friends for vacation. As we were checking our bags, I realized mine was over the limit. I started taking stuff out of my suitcase and trying to place it into my husband’s so that all our luggage could be checked within the weight limits.
Simply put, I had too much baggage. I couldn’t help but to think about how baggage not only weighs us down physically, but spiritually as well. To complete our journey with joy, we must break through the barriers of our baggage. Today, I want to share a few keys with you to help you over come your baggage—no matter what that baggage may be.
Key #1
Get your eyes on Jesus; He’s the answer. It has always been about family to God. It is worth it to God to put up with all the evil in the world to have humanity. Our world has evil within it because somebody in our family way back when decided to make it more about their name instead of God’s name. However, when we realize who the head of the family is, we can rest in assurance that no baggage is too big for God. When we realize we are called to carry His name, then we realize we have access to the name above all names. Sickness, addiction, depression, offense…all baggage has to bow to the Name above all names. We are crafted into that family. Set your eyes to things that are above. Use the name above every other name.
Key #2 Focus on the family. Speak with the tone of kindness in your home and model using the name of Jesus above all other names. This looks like making worries, projects, deadlines, due dates, stresses, etc. bow down to the ONE that is greater. We were created to be family. The enemy knows that there is safety in numbers and community. That’s why it is so critical to become connected. Join a small group. Become active in your local church. Seek out like-minded girlfriends. Too many times, we get connected, it doesn’t go perfectly, and we leave the relationship. We get offended when we rub up against someone’s imperfection, so we withdraw. This is problematic because it only leaves us with more baggage. Instead, talk it out with the person directly (not everyone else). We are hard-wired for connection because we need it, yet we shy away from it because of fear of rejection. Sometimes, we even reject first out of the fear that we would have been rejected. It’s always been about family to our God. There’s nothing that makes him happier than us altogether having harmony unity and joy.
Key #3 Focus on demonstrating love because love never fails. The only way to really love is to demonstrate love. God demonstrated His love with sacrifice. In modeling this love among our family members, we must realize that it means making sacrifices. We must choose to demonstrate love toward one another even when we really don’t want to or when it is inconvenient for us.
Here’s a little #happyMONDAY challenge for you. Focus on your purpose. Get your eyes off your baggage and on to God. Get in community with each other and demonstrate love.