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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend






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There are all kinds of -ologies. Psychology, biology, spiritology and then there’s geneology, methodology, immunology, pathology (what my mom did. Fun fact: She was so brilliant that she clept her way through college and ended up having the job of a Pathologist with a Phd without actually having those initials behind her name.) That all […]

Relationships, Stress/Anxiety

March 18, 2024

Train your senses to win!

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Think about a situation you are in right now where you’re having a hard time trusting God with. We sounded like a broken record. We said this so many times when our boys were young. Obey now. Understand later. We tried to teach them that there would be occasions when we may not have time […]

Faith & Hope, Peace, Stress/Anxiety

February 26, 2024


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or safe or fill in the blank …..and it’s perfectly ok! What?! Did you read that right? Yes, you did! It’s true! This is why we need a Saviour who is! And when we feel not enough, unsafe, or like life just isnt’ quite what we had imagined, if we turn to The Word like […]

Depression, Faith & Hope, Happiness, Love, Peace, Relationships, Stress/Anxiety

December 21, 2023

You’re not enough…

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Overwhelmed? Years ago, a woman of God who I respected and learned a great deal from taught me that if I was overwhelmed, that’s a tale-tale sign I haven’t been spending time in the Word, with the Prince of peace. Bam! Ikr? Right between the eyes! Didn’t have to wonder what she was trying to […]

Faith & Hope, Peace, Stress/Anxiety

October 17, 2023

Happy Monday

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Please rejoice with me! I feel like how an addict must feel when they look back over the last several months and realize after so many years of using, they’ve been clean now for a while!  My drug of choice has been church / ministry / work – call it what you want…. honestly, I’ve […]

Happiness, Relationships, Stress/Anxiety, Uncategorized

May 22, 2023

Happy Monday

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My husband had a word from God for a friend who was trying to conceive a child with difficulty and couldn’t that by this time next year, she would be pregnant and sure enough the following year, God made good on His Word He had for that couple and they had a sweet baby!  In […]

Happiness, Stress/Anxiety

May 15, 2023

By this time next year…

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Life can throw us for a loop! Can I get an, “Amen to the men” ? I asked my husband once, “If you could only say a few sentences to someone who has lost all hope, what would you say?”   “EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY. COOPERATE WITH GOD AND HIS PRINCIPLES. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. AND YOU WILL […]

Faith & Hope, Happiness, Stress/Anxiety

May 2, 2023

Everything’s temporary!

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We make things more difficult than they are when we blow them up, get over-philosophical about things, or focus on all the million parts of whatever it is we are trying to accomplish. Am I alone or are ya with me? I’ve noticed lately that if I begin to get overwhelmed about stuff – all […]

Faith & Hope, Stress/Anxiety

April 25, 2023

Easy as 1, 2, 3

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Wisdom is the key to riches, long life, and honor according to Proverbs 3:16. It goes on to say that wisdom makes our lives pleasant and leads us through life safely and even happily! Sounds like a life that’s “together” to me! Is it just me or do you sometimes feel like she has it […]

Happiness, Stress/Anxiety

April 16, 2023

How to “Get it together”

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You get a fresh start each Monday!

Faith & Hope, Happiness, Stress/Anxiety

April 3, 2023

Happy Monday