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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend






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Why are so many people depressed and filled with anxiety? Why are people bound up by so many boundaries that they find themselves isolated and alone? Joshua 1:9 says to be strong and courageous, not to be terrified, discouraged or intimidated, for the Lord your God is with you. I see people who are amazing […]


July 29, 2024

Be brave. Be bold.

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 “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Ps 32:7 NIV Troubles can feel so heavy. Trouble comes to us all and maybe right now, your’s are suffocating you, making it hard to catch a breath. Troubles can be absolutely overwhelming, cruel, heartless, and relentless. […]


April 22, 2024

God of your troubles

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My favorite definition of the word, happy is: enjoying, being marked by, or showing pleasure, satisfaction, and joy. Think about it…isn’t that the absolute best definition of happy you’ve ever heard?! It’s so true. When you’re happy, it shows. When you’re happy, you’re satisfied with your current situation or at least content in the midst […]


March 3, 2024

Why am I not happy?

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or safe or fill in the blank …..and it’s perfectly ok! What?! Did you read that right? Yes, you did! It’s true! This is why we need a Saviour who is! And when we feel not enough, unsafe, or like life just isnt’ quite what we had imagined, if we turn to The Word like […]

Depression, Faith & Hope, Happiness, Love, Peace, Relationships, Stress/Anxiety

December 21, 2023

You’re not enough…

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Can you believe it? We are in the Fourth Quarter and The Holidays are just around the corner! Time is absolutely flying. Before another day goes by, I wanted to take a minute to talk about one of the most important Happy Habits from my book Happy ANYWAY and it’s all about owning your happiness! […]

Depression, Happiness

October 29, 2023

Own your happy!

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Happy Monday! …but what about Monday’s that seem more manic than happy? Ever “had it up to here” ? Sometimes wanta scream or cry or both and throw your hands up in the air and just forget about it? Let’s talk about EMOTIONS and dealing with goals, relationships, and situations that seem HOPELESS ….. Ask […]

Depression, Relationships, Uncategorized

August 16, 2021

Happy Monday!

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You may not have a choice of when people will hurt your feelings but you have a choice to love ANYWAY or be offended.

Depression, Faith & Hope

March 9, 2020

What to do the moment your feelings are hurt?

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Hey! Hey! Hey! How does that sound? 👆👆👆 Guess what! You will have a whole lot better chance of owning your tomorrow if you will choose to enjoy your today! Can I get an Amen from the Hallelujah lady?! 🙌 You really can choose to enjoy today ANYWAY. Even if……?! Yes! Even if…..!!! Does that […]

Depression, Faith & Hope, Happiness

February 23, 2020

Enjoy Today Own Tomorrow!

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“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Ps 119:105 Are you stumbling through the dark in life?  Last week at the end of the day, the electricity went off at the office just before time to go and of course, just as I was trying to find something. […]

Depression, Faith & Hope

August 26, 2019

Lighting Up Your World

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Did you know I just found out this Happy Monday Blog could LITERALLY BE A LIFE SAVER?! Have you heard of the “Monday Blues” or “Just Another Manic Monday?!” Guess what? More heart attacks happen on Monday than any other day of the week. Researchers have found that “The Monday Peak” stems from the stress […]

Depression, Faith & Hope, Happiness

August 19, 2019

Literally a Life Saver!