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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend






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First, who is God? I sensed in my heart yesterday in worship that many don’t know God as El Shaddai and Jehovah Jireh for me to share with you WHO GOD IS when it comes to this part of who He is. El Shaddai means“God Almighty” or“God All-Sufficient” That means, according to His Word (that […]

Faith & Hope

May 27, 2024

Who is God and who are you?

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Luke 8:43-44 43 Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. Who do you identify with in this story? I always had identified with […]

Faith & Hope

May 13, 2024

Take your place

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You already had ChatGPT before 2022 and just didn’t know it. “…For the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” 1 Cor. 2:10 BSB If the Spirit of God is on the inside of you, His Spirit searches all things like ChatGPT does and even more. ChatGPT has limitations when it comes […]

Faith & Hope

April 29, 2024

The ChatGPT Breakthrough

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The only way to make it through the storms of life is by being UNREASONABLY COMMITTED to Christ and to the Bride of Christ, the local church. Yesterday was so fun. I love my church and enjoyed serving up The Word of God in Mobile at Harvest Church. I want to invite you, like I […]

Faith & Hope

April 8, 2024

Unreasonably Committed

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Now what? Okay, so if our dreams died on Friday and Saturday was the in-between to not give up when it looks like we are oveeerrrr…done for, and Sunday is a COUNTRY SONG IN REVERSE where we get our dog back, our truck back and our heartbreaks are mended, what happens on Monday? Breakfast with […]

Faith & Hope, Mornings, Relationships

April 1, 2024

Happy Easter Monday!

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Think about a situation you are in right now where you’re having a hard time trusting God with. We sounded like a broken record. We said this so many times when our boys were young. Obey now. Understand later. We tried to teach them that there would be occasions when we may not have time […]

Faith & Hope, Peace, Stress/Anxiety

February 26, 2024


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Ever tried to accomplish something you know you’re good at for a long time and it still isn’t working? Ever wondered why something you know oughta be working isn’t? Ever tried to stop doing something you want to stop doing but can’t seem to? Paul said in scripture the thing I do I don’t want […]

Faith & Hope, Goals

February 19, 2024

Why is it not working?

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The hardest part is deciding. the next hardest part is having the courage to go get it. Getting what we want out of life is the easy part. It’s just getting past those first two steps that can take, well, decades for many of us. To a large degree, I’ve known what I wanted out […]

Faith & Hope

January 29, 2024

How to know what you want out of life and get it

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God has put on our hearts that this year is The Year of the Open Door. When we think of this, there are so many things it makes you think of… You may think of a new opportunity or walking through the open door of new home. Perhaps what comes to mind for you is […]

Faith & Hope

January 22, 2024

The Best Door

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or safe or fill in the blank …..and it’s perfectly ok! What?! Did you read that right? Yes, you did! It’s true! This is why we need a Saviour who is! And when we feel not enough, unsafe, or like life just isnt’ quite what we had imagined, if we turn to The Word like […]

Depression, Faith & Hope, Happiness, Love, Peace, Relationships, Stress/Anxiety

December 21, 2023

You’re not enough…