The Bible says the devil is at the door knocking, trying to see who he MAY devour. If you remember English class, the word may insinuates giving someone permission. So that tells me it’s up to us to say Yes or Nooooo !
If you grew up in church, you will remember the song, Shut the door. Keep out the devil. And I hope it rings in your head all day! You’re welcome! If you didn’t, look it up. It’s a sing songy little song that will put a pep in your step this week. The point is, when the devil comes knocking, DON’T let him in. He will come. Trouble will come. Pain will come. But, we don’t have to say Yes! And here’s a thought for all of us with unstable boundaries. Try saying NO to the devil and it may get easier to say NO to others when you need to!
I’d say the enemy has had free reign long enough this year! What do you say to determine that the latter WILL be better than the former this year?! What do you say to tell the devil where to go and tell your will to get in line with the Word and for your habits to reflect God’s character instead of the devil’s and love the victorious life Jesus came to give us for the rest of 2020 no matter what?! ANYWAY!!!!
Happy Monday ANYWAY!
Register today for the Love ANYWAY Ladies Night Out Oct 16th at (In person or Online!) and it’s Free!!!
Happy Girl Conference has been postponed to the Spring and your registration will go with you to that conf. Dates to come!!