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Stress & ANXIETY

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Faith & Hope, Happiness

August 7, 2022

Declare the Word over your family & watch God perform it!

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

My children are taught of the Lord and they will walk in great peace. They will follow after peace. The voice of The Shepherd, they will listen to, acknowledge, and be guided by. The voice of a stranger, they will disregard, rebuke, or not even hear.

God is connecting them to the right people and protecting them from the wrong people. His favor is all over their lives: relationships, decisions, and opportunities. 

They are established in righteousness. I apply the blood of Jesus over them. I am confident my prayer is heard and angels are working on their behalf. God is speaking to them in the night and as they go about their days keeping them from even dashing their foot against a stone. He is directing their steps and shining a light on their paths so bright, they see clearly and have clarity of mind, even the mind of Christ as they make godly choices that bring life to them and all they come in contact with. 

Greater is He that is in them than he that is in the world. They are over-comers, winners, and champions in this life. 

My children will walk in their heritage, stewarding it well and diligently. They are free from the expectation of others but live only for the audience of One. They seek to please God and God alone and let others’ criticism and expectations roll off like water on a duck’s back. 

They are established in righteousness. Confusion has to go. Insecurity cannot rule them. The very boldness of a lion is inside of them. 

They are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. They will mount up on wings as eagles and soar into all God has for them. They do not wrestle against flesh and blood but they know and comprehend their battle is with principalities and powers of the air which they also are well aware that they have authority over in the name of Jesus. They stand firm in that authority and when they are shaken, they run to the name of the Lord which is their strong tower and they are safe. 

When they have done all to stand, they keep standing because the joy of the Lord is their strength. 

Satan I command you to take your hands off of them in whatever situation they find themselves in and declare they are free from any deception, oppression, or judgement that comes against them. They walk in freedom and

peace and love which never fails. 

Lord, you said whatever we loose on Earth is loosed in heaven and whatever we bind on Earth  will be bound in heaven. Holy Spirit, I know you are praying and interceding on my children’s behalf! So I trust you to finish the perfect work you began in them! 

Listen, our kids are living in a time that is treacherous! But God is bigger than all the devils in hell after this generation! Join me in crying out for those who are called to be voices to this next generation. You pray for mine and I will pray for yours. Maybe your kids are 3 or 23 or 43 – whatever their ages, quote The Word over them and use this blog as a daily confession if you need to. These are things I’ve prayed over mine for their whole lives. Sometimes I’ve seen it manifest in their lives and other times it’s been a faith walk to pray this over them. Wherever you are, His Word is working in your family! I’ve seen Him do miracles in my own life, my family’s lives and our church family. He is no respect-or of people so what He will do for me He will do for you & vice versa! 

Say this with me….As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord with our whole hearts, leaning not on our own understanding but in all of our ways acknowledging You, Lord! And we trust You, God, to direct our families’ paths! 

Happy Monday!

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