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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







July 29, 2024

Be brave. Be bold.

Why are so many people depressed and filled with anxiety? Why are people bound up by so many boundaries that they find themselves isolated and alone?

Joshua 1:9 says to be strong and courageous, not to be terrified, discouraged or intimidated, for the Lord your God is with you.

I see people who are amazing and have more potential than they realize yet, they are surviving and not thriving. Don’t be one who holds back, shrinks away from hard things, and reverts to excuses instead of pressing in for the results you want.

This life is it, ya’ll. Stop going through the motions to get through the day or the season or the situation. Decide to freaking crush the day, this season, and destroy the situation. Kick it in the head and dare the devil to try it again. Do you not realize Who’s you are? The Lord, your God is with you. So act like it.

Stop walking into the room with your shoulders slumped and your head down, with your posture filled with questions and a whiny voice. The next room you walk into, own it, rock it, fill the room with life, His life in you spilling out on everyone around. When you walk into a room, don’t shuffle in like you’re barely making it. No, all but skip in there! When you walk in, light walks in and dispels darkness.

If you only knew who you are. Oh, if you could see yourself the way God sees you. He sees you in Christ if you are a believer. He sees you as a king or priest. If you are fighting depression or anxiety, decide to be brave and boldly step out by faith and do something you thought you couldn’t do. Push past what you thought was possible. You are so much more than you know.

It’s a crying shame to watch people settle for far less than they could have in life simply because of lack of courage. God wouldn’t tell you to be strong and courageous or bold and brave if you weren’t capable of it. So are you going to trust your wishy washy feelings or your God? I’d say trusting God has better chances! Psalm 40:4 says happy are those who trust in the Lord.

So want to break out of depression and anxiety? Be you. You’re the best you there is. Get up. Trust God. Be bold. Be brave.

Happy Monday!

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