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Happiness, Uncategorized

July 8, 2024

Could there be a lil Victim in your coffee?

It’s so subtle. Victim mentality shows up in the shadows. It’s not always overt. It can sneak into an insignificant lil moment where you just feel sorry for yourself the smallest bit. It only needs a tiny hole to get in like a mouse or an odor. And it will stink up your entire day.

I love coffee and I love it even more with loads of creamer and a lil sugar. My husband convinces me to add collagen to it but I can’t stand it. He says, “Oh you can’t even taste it.” OH but I can. I can’t stand yucky, healthy stuff. I like healthy stuff, just not the YUCKY, healthy stuff. I don’t like taking pills. He can swallow 47 vitamins in one easy gulp. Well, maybe not quite that much but you get the picture. He will drink nasty green stuff because it’s “healthy”. I am like – no way. I don’t want to ruin this perfectly good cup of coffee or this moment or this cup of juice. 

If only I were that selective with victim in my coffee! If only you were. I’ve known for more than three decades what the Word says about “In Christ realities” and about the authority we have as a believer and the faith message. Me? Victim mentality? No way, Jose! Except it snuck in this tiny hole in my heart that I had left open unknowingly. I think sometimes our spiritual heart valves let things in during times of trauma and we are not aware until hind sight is 20/20. It’s not as obvious as all the green stuff in juice. It’s more subtle like a lil collagen in your coffee that you may not notice your husband snuck in there. 

It’s thoughts like:

Well, I didn’t feel very respected in that conversation.

I don’t know if I really matter to them as much as they matter to me. 

Why don’t they ever call me?

I wish I had that.

Will I ever get to do what I want to do? 

Wonder what it would’ve been like to…doubt I’ll ever find out. 

Why does it have to be this way? 

What if they replace me with them?

Back to reality after vacation. Back to the grind and issue after issue. 

Any time we ask ourselves these questions or think these thoughts with even the slightest hint of “poor me” or “ho hum”, watch out, there’s a lil victim in your coffee. 

How do I know? Because now, I’ve trained my pallet to notice even the slightest bit like when my husband sneaks collagen in my coffee. Actually, now I put it in my coffee more because it’s good for you unlike victim in your coffee. After a while, once you get use to it, even a trained pallet can become untrained and not notice it. 

So how do you keep yourself alert to never allow victim in your coffee and at the slightest taste, to spit it out? A sensitive pallet comes by renewing our minds with the Word of God, hearing and hearing and hearing it which causes faith to rise up in our hearts and overcome any thought we face with faith, courage and a winning attitude! 

Happy Monday!

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