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Faith & Hope, Happiness, Love, Mornings, Peace

February 17, 2025

Happy Days: Trusting God Through It All

Happy Days: Trusting God Through It All

Have you ever had days when you could have written, “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope” (Job 7:6)? I know I have. Can you relate?

You might be thinking, I thought this was about happy days! It is—stay with me. Psalm 91:16 says God will satisfy us with long life and show us His salvation. I love this promise—it’s like God’s love note to me. It reminds me that He saves me, even from myself, in every situation. But sometimes, those are the hardest to entrust to Him. Can I get an amen?

What situations that impact your happiness have been the hardest to cast on Him?

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” —1 Peter 5:7

Do you find your worry increasing when you’re overwhelmed? Why do you think that is?

John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came to give us life abundantly. Do you totally believe that? If not, why?
I’m learning that God isn’t nearly as critical of me as people can be. Instead, I picture Him looking at me saying, “Wow, there she goes again! But she’s so adorable to me—let me go take care of her.” Before I know it, happy days become my reality. He is so faithful.

Now, take a moment. Close your eyes and imagine God being like this with you. What is He saying?
Who in your life has been critical of you and made it hard for you to trust God’s love? Ask Him to help you forgive them and set healthy boundaries. Then, envision yourself extending the same grace to others. Watch how your peace level rises and your days become happier.

Faith is really that simple—it’s the antidote to worrying. I love Ephesians 6:2-3:

“Honor your father and mother… that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
I’ve held onto that promise. When tempted to dishonor my parents, God reminded me how well this verse has worked out for me. If He promises that things will go well with me, I can trust Him, even when life isn’t perfect.

During tough times, I choose to think: “Lord, You promised me it will go well with me. You’ve got a mess to work out on my behalf, but I trust You.”

And what’s the result of that kind of thinking?

“Happy are those who trust the Lord.” —Psalm 40:4

If you didn’t honor your parents, ask for forgiveness and grab a different promise from His Word. Hold onto it like I’ve held onto this one, rest in His arms, and watch Him be faithful.

Is there an area in your life where you’re struggling to trust God? Write it down. As you do, imagine yourself handing it to Him. Now, trust Him once and for all.

While You’re Here…
Need a little extra encouragement? Dive into:
Happy ANYWAY: Happy are those who trust in the Lord.
Love ANYWAY: Love is the secret to a happy and fulfilled life.
Believe ANYWAY: How to THRIVE no matter what life throws at you!
And don’t forget to mark your calendar for Happy Girl Getaways 2025—a weekend full of fun, faith, and finding your happy again.

Happy Monday!

God is Love is Happy,
Adrienne Cooley

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