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Stress & ANXIETY

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June 24, 2024

Do hard things and Do things hard

Ask my boys who are now young men and they will both tell you I said this to them constantly…”Do hard things!” Tonight I watched the best movie with Gavin, my oldest and my daughter-in-love, Mckenzie. The main character of the movie, Brooke Shields, made me laugh so hard and inspired this blog.

Tonight, I realized just how many things I do so hard. I laugh hard and cry hard. I love hard and grieve hard. I work hard and play hard. But wait. Before I lose you, especially, if you don’t do things hard. I think the fact that I do what I do so hard is how I do hard things. If you relate to this or you love someone who relates to this and because they do, they drive you crazy, listen.

What I’ve found that keeps me from driving everyone around me absolutely crazy for being like this is that I also love God hard, go after His purpose for my life hard, and search His Word hard for coaching, correction, and courage. Because, if I’m completely transparent, I also blow it hard, regret hard, and shut down hard. And that’s where going after God, surrounding myself with friends who are my life-lines hard, and humbling myself hard keeps me from having to be humbled hard.

I never saw the connection between all of this until tonight so I hope that when you read this tomorrow, Brooke Shields, my 80’s woman crush (whom I always loved to be likened unto due to my bushy eyebrows and long eyelashes I’ve spent the last couple of decades trying to tame) and I can coax you into doing hard things, especially laughing! If you have to pick just one thing, laugh! Laugh hard!

My son doing hard things with his brother and dad…I guess they listened lol

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