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Faith & Hope, Happiness

August 5, 2024

It’s all in who ya know!

It’s all in who you know!

We lived on the ninth hole of the Mobile Country Club when we first moved back from India. I kid you not. One day, we went to look for cars and you know how the salesman asks for your driver’s license when you test drive a car? Well, we were at a high-end used car lot near our church and just thought, hey, wonder what a car like this would go for? So on a day off, we wanted to take that car for a spin.

The salesman asked for our driver’s license and as soon as he saw the address, he said, Oh I know where that is. Keep your license. You’re good.

What he didn’t know is… how my husband put it to our congregation… we were Springhill Squatters. Not really. There was a very kind family in our church that let us rent their house for next to nothing when we were 30 years old with two little ones, beginning our journey as pastors. We had a home for sale in Tulsa that had not yet sold and so until it sold and to help us get on our feet moving after moving back to the states, it just worked out beautifully, better than we could have imagined. We went straight from Calcutta to the Country Club.

It’s all in who you know! That day, we were undeserving of respect by that fine-dressed car salesman, at least for the reasons he thought. Funny thing is ~ that type of thing happened all the time.

Mobile, Alabama is Southern as Southern gets when it comes to stuff like that. Without fail when we would gain respect just because our address was 9 Kingsway, we would look at each other and snicker and think just how much more important our eternal address is and how far that gets us here on Earth. On Earth as it is in Heaven!

You see, it was amazing living in the favor of our very generous friends, but it pails in comparison to living in the favor of our very generous God!!!

I quickly learned in those years that if I found myself in a sticky situation, just to bring up my address in some relevant way and every time, it was almost like a free ticket to whatever I needed.
Sidenote: I miss that address. LOL

I just thought this funny story might help you get a revelation of the power at your disposal in this life because of the name of Jesus. It’s all in who you know! If you know, Jesus, your address is impressive. If you know, Jesus, favor just drips off of you everywhere you go. If you know, Jesus, you can have so much peace because at the end of the day everything in life is a win-win. So what if the very worst thing happens, and you die? Well, you have the best address in the world to go home to!!!

I just might make myself an eternal driver’s license with my eternal address on it so that anytime I find myself in a pickle, I can just whip that out and remind myself who’s I am and who I am, walk with my head up understanding that it’s all in who I know.

As powerful as that sweet family was and as good to us as they were and have continued to be for many years, and as thankful as I am to know them and call them friends, I’m even more thankful that I know the King of kings and the Lord of lords, I am that I am, Jehovah Jireh, all I need!

Happy Monday!

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