~Happy New Year~ What is it that you kept meaning to get to last year but just didn’t? Feelings of failure? Wishing you were further along than you are? Tempted to give up already only 5 days into the new year? Hold up. Wait a minute. Put a little scripture in it! Corny I know. […]
May 19, 2015
~Be Happy Not Critical~ In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) they use the phrase “perception is projection”, which means how you percieve things is correlated to what’s going on inside you. This is where self-awareness is key- before you become criticial with someone, check yourself. Stop and search your heart. Are your criticisms being fueled by your […]
May 19, 2015
“There is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all their toil – this is the gift of God.” Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 Shut the front door! How have I never noticed this jewel of a […]
May 18, 2015
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25 NLT We all want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Even if you are not a Christian and have never heard of a Proverbs 31 woman. It’s the ultimate. Success. Home in order. Happy. Basically seemingly […]
May 11, 2015
“He made me so mad!” “These kids are driving me crazy.” “I just can’t take it anymore!” We’ve all said these things but think about it. These phrases and others like them take the power to be happy out of your hands and puts them in someone else’s. Girls, let’s decide today on THIS […]
May 4, 2015
Learn to be content in every situation… Yeah, I know you’ve heard it before, but here goes. “I have experienced times of need and times of abundance. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment, whether I go satisfied or hungry, have plenty or nothing, I can do everything through […]
April 27, 2015
Have you ever had those days where you are questioning giving up due to life circumstances? You are just trying to keep your head above water to make it to the next day. You’re tired. You’re sad. You’re hurting. You don’t know the next step. I’ve been there a lot more than what I […]
April 20, 2015
What happy habits do you have? Let me suggest a few that you just might enjoy and want to adopt as new habits. Take an inventory of which ones you may have in your life already & which ones you might consider adding. Maybe you could focus on one per day this week. Have fun […]
April 13, 2015
Heaven rejoices over one sinner that repents. Yesterday thousands upon thousands of people gave up on trying to call the shots in their lives and decided to make Jesus the Lord of their lives. I can just imagine the party that is probably still going on in heaven from yesterday! I’m a lil silly […]
April 6, 2015
Happy Monday ya’ll! Ever peer over into someone else’s life imagining yourself there instead of where you are? Come on. Be honest. I know I have but guess what! Everyone I ever wished I was has resulted in me being really happy I’m me. I have wished I was someone who now is divorced, never […]
March 30, 2015