What’s the biggest gift you have ever been given? I was trying to think of the biggest gifts I have ever been given and some of my first thoughts were…. • My brand new red 1990 Cellica when I graduated High School. • My now three wedding rings. Who loses their wedding ring…twice?! This one […]
You’re always doing them. Today I hope you get to take a load off & just D O Y O U • Rest. Relax. Rejuvenate. What if today you did even for just an hour or two something Y O U genuinely want to do? And enjoy it, be thankful for it. Soak it […]
The Harvard Grant Study was a 75 year long most elaborate study ever done that scientifically proved the secret to a happy life. After following hundreds of people through 75 years, the final analysis was this – The secret to happiness is love. Full stop. There is is more detail of this in my […]
Are you afraid of what all is going on in our world these days? Are you shaken up by it all? Does it seem uncertain to take the next step? Honestly, it’s hard for a lot of us to even think about it. Some go to their war room and pray. I’m sure you have […]
” …speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; ” (Ephesians 5:19 NASB) This is so funny and sort of unbelievable. As a child my favorite songs were called “It’s a Happy Day” and “Happy In The Lord”. Still to this day, […]