Gavin Cooley 2008 Samoa & he will be 21 in two days! 😍 Happy 21st, Son!
I was in my devotion time crying out to God regarding something that was concerning me. I heard that still small voice in my heart say, just ride emotions like a surfer riding waves.
Emotions come and go when you least expect them sometimes and you never know what critters are underneath them that could take you out much like in the ocean. Sometimes there is bitterness, unforgiveness, depression, or any number of things brewing under the waves of emotion.
I began to picture this past summer in Oregon where we spent our family vacation. Each morning we sat on our porch and watched surfers in their wet suits surf those huge waves off the Oregon Coast. It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful for us who watched them surf those waves with elegance.
But I’m sure their perspective was totally different. They were working hard, falling sometimes, probably wondering what was all around them in those waters as the waves threw them off their boards. I’m guessing some of them may have been pros but perhaps some of them worried a bit of the perils that could await them as they walked toward the beach to conquer those waves.
We face emotions that can be so powerful they literally overtake us and if we are overcome by them it’s limitless what may result – good or bad. I felt like God had shown me that day in my devotion that I just needed to learn how to surf emotions and waves of crazy that were being thrown at me. God put a picture in my heart of me mastering those waves, big or small, standing strong of my surfboard with confidence instead of fear, insecurity, or shame.
I shared this with someone who really helped me out further along these lines so I wanted to pass it on to you. Her response was this… What in that scenario is the same? I was stumped and studdered out a few wrong answers. I was so puzzled and couldn’t really see anything being the same in the scenario. The answer was the board. The waves come and go in giant unexpected propensity but the surfer must stay firmly planted on the board which never changes as we must stay firmly planted on the Word of God if we are going to be able to ride the waves without getting so beat up. The board never changes but is made to glide on top of the waves. The Word of God never changes and as long as our feet are planted on the Word, we won’t fall!! It’s when we get off balance that we fall. His Word keeps us in balance.
What a great visual! What a great word. God is the same yesterday today and forever and we are made in His image. We are called to be the same like He is the same. People come and people go. People will be people. They will disappoint us and we will disappoint them. Our mess ups and theirs are the waves. Stay up and grounded on your board (The Word) and enjoy the ride!
Happy Monday!
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