Happy Birthday in heaven, Mom! I love you and miss you so much. Your life was such a gift to me! 💕
This is a journal a friend gave Mom near the end that she never used and it has been where I have written the hardest parts of the journey since losing her. Ya know, when you lose people whether by death or otherwise the front of this journal is true: Your life is a gift from God. Live it in celebration. Those who leave your life by death would want you to continue living in celebration. Those who leave your life by choice have chosen not to journey with you. Loss of any kind simply stinks but by the grace of God we can and must go on living this brutiful life in celebration.
This post came as I was having a devotion a while back and became overwhelmed with joy by all the precious people that I get to do life with. I thought of so many rich conversations I’ve had with people. There are so many we give to and receive from in our circle of friends. Thankful beyond words for such a beautiful life. Of course on the heels of that grateful moment the enemy was right there to remind me of who is not present. But like Mom’s journal says Life is a gift from God to be celebrated…with whoever chooses to celebrate with you. So as quickly as the negative thoughts come to crowd out the positive ones, they can go right back where they came from if we take them captive and force them into the obedience of Christ. Though they may be true and a reality those thoughts are not to be dwelled on or given attention to. The brutal part of life has to be starved else it will take over leaving no life to live or celebrate. As we focus on the beauty, It multiplies. A beautiful life attracts more beauty. Life’s a gift filled with beauty! We just have to look for it and enjoy it with its ups and downs.
That’s what the happy sisterhood is all about! We help each other find our happy when we misplace it. We keep each other encouraged so we can spread the happy as we celebrate the beauty in life! We come together and laugh in the face of the brutal parts of life and look to God who is able to perfect anything that concerns us!
Happy Girl 18 was such a beautiful celebration of the gift of life we live!! If you have gotten in on the Half Off Rate for 2019, go NOW & register for only $40 at happyanyway.org!!!! Sept 20-21, 2019 with special guest Lisa Young!!!! It’s going to be so great!!!!!
Happy Monday and go live it up! Life is a gift to be celebrated with whoever is up to celebrating with you! Don’t focus on those who won’t cekebrate with you. Be grateful for those who will!!!! That’s the key! 🔑
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Let’s keep in touch! Feel free to comment on the blogs and ask questions if you have them or email me if you have a need we can pray with you about at hello@happyanyway.org
Register early with the Early Bird Rate for #happygirl19 at happyanyway.org