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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







August 17, 2020

Mask or no mask?

Psych! Gotcha lol I would not touch that topic with a 10 foot pole. It would only cause division and what we need right now is EACH OTHER more than ever!!!!!!

The topic I will approach though is just that! Let’s get back together, what do ya say? I need you! You need me!

Of course if your immune system is compromised, be wise and do what you need to do and let us know how we can serve you so you are also not completely isolated. You matter. I matter. We all matter! Think of someone you know who is on serious lock down and give them a call!!! Let them know they are not forgotten.

The trick of the enemy is to isolate us so he can pick us off one by one. Let’s not allow that! Let’s do lunch – outside maybe – with or without a mask as you wish. Let’s have a BBQ and check temps if we must or whatever suits your fancy but LET’S GET TOGETHER one way or another!!!!!! Let’s not let this keep binding us up with fear creating more and more distance from us.

I heard a staggering statistic today and it just got me all fired up about this. I cannot remain quiet knowing this. Here’s what I learned…..

“We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID,” Redfield said at the time. “We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”

Robert Redfield MD

CDC Director

July 14,2020

Fox News

God, help us! Heal our hurting land!

You want to know why this is so? Because WE WERE MADE TO CONNECT! I need you! And you need me! We all need each other. We need each others’ differences and our likenesses. We need to understand and we need to be understood. We need to listen. We need to be heard. We need to educate ourselves and each other. We need to learn and be open minded, teachable and humble. We need to live our lives out and about enjoying each other, serving each other and fulfilling God’s purpose in this earth now more than ever!!!!

We need to attack this mental health pandemic with as much diligence as we have this virus….actually MORESO it sounds like according to the CDC Director!!!! The last thing we need to do as Christians is shrink back and be intimidated, afraid, and paralyzed by all of this.

I believe more than ever this is the finest hour of the church so far. Let’s rise up and let’s get together and let’s mask up if we have to but let’s lock arms (literally if you want and figuratively if necessary for what’s best for you) and stop splitting hairs over stupid stuff. Let’s have each other’s backs and let’s go for it like we never have before with boldness believing what we say we believe!!!

I have not said much about all of this because I was afraid I would say something wrong. And I promise I have cried tears and spent much time praying for all who have been terribly affected by this awful disease. My heart grieve for any loss associated with Covid and any loss associated with cancer or suicide or accidents or any loss whatsoever.

I just want to encourage you in this post today that God is still on His throne. He is still the Great Physician and just like my husband and I risked our lives among many horrible diseases when we lived in a third world country for years including leprosy and malaria and all kinds of things and just like we risked our lives being the first white people a village had ever seen and they tried to poison my husband and the team but God saved them. Just like there were death threats for our lives because of angry religious extremists when we preached the gospel in India, just like how God saved my husband’s life when a gang member put a gun to his throat, just like he saved my baby’s life having an anaphylactic reaction on an airplane but he is alive and well now headed to Bible School, Just like God brought us from having less than nothing to living a blessed life that enables us to be the second biggest givers in our church, I could go on and on and on of God’s faithfulness!!! Just like all of that, God will be faithful to you and you will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord like His Word says in Jesus’ name! So don’t be afraid of some dumb virus! Kick it’s butt if it tries to stick its ugly head up with you by the blood of Jesus!!! By His stripes YOU ARE HEALED. Standing with you to walk in divine health and that no evil will befall you!!

So hey, how bout that coffee or lunch date?! Anyone?! And bring your mask. I hope to have a leopard print one by then and we could do a fun selfie….6 ft apart of course. Come on lighten up and laugh. A merry heart does good like a medicine.

Happy Monday!!!


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