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Stress & ANXIETY

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November 22, 2021

What do you and the Waldorf Astoria have in common ?

Happy Monday!

Have you ever heard the story of Conrad Hilton dreaming of owning the most famous hotel in the world? Have you ever had a grand dream that actually happened? If so, share with us your secrets on social media in the comments of the post about this blog today! If not, this blog could change everything for you….really, not just saying that! It did for me.

Learn in the next couple paragraphs in only 5 minutes how owning the most famous hotel in the world shifted from being a pipe dream to being reality. Then ask yourself three questions that could make your dreams become reality.

Conrad Hilton, as a young man coming out of the Great Depression in the 1930’s, clipped a picture of the iconic Waldorf Astoria in NYC & placed it under the glass of his desk. For 18 years he looked it and dreamed of owning it until one day on
Oct. 12,1949, he acquired the most famous hotel in the world.

What is something you want as badly as he wanted to own that hotel? Write down this question in a journal and sit and ponder it until something bubbles up from your heart. If your “dreamer” is rusty, it could take some time and you may need to oil it with prayer and the Word. Don’t go away from this until you begin to dream again! Stop living beneath what God has called you to.

There is a point of grandiose, pie in the sky kind of living that is not backed up with work and action to make things happen. That’s foolishness or even childishness, or in worst case scenarios, mental illness even. I’m not talking about crazy stuff like that. I’m talking about the God-version of this. The supernatural way of dreaming. The Bible kind of believing where God places a desire in your heart like He did mine about writing books. When it’s a God-dream, you put images of that dream before you and go to work making it into a reality.

Science has proven that the more you see something, the more likely it is to materialize in your life. Look at His vision for your life, not social media’s vision for someone else’s life. Watch what He is saying to you in His Word instead of watching other peoples’ dreams come true on TV for hours on end. Take that time and get started on that book, designing that line of clothes, taking that night class to go back and get that degree or make the call to see about the masters program you wanted to complete! Stop waiting for life to happen and go after what you want.

So three things to get you started:

1- Write down what you want. And keep it before your eyes.

Habakkuk 2:2 / 2 Corinthians 3:18

2- Schedule time to pray into it, journal and dream about it, research it, and begin to learn about it.

Matthew 6:33 / Matthew 7:7-8

3- Get to work. Burn the midnight oil. Wake up early. Be relentless. Decide not to take no for an answer. It has to become non-negotiable. If there is a way out, you’ll take it. There can be no Plan B.

Matthew 11:12 / Joshua 1:9

I double dog dare you to look up these verses. I was going to provide them for you but if you won’t even look up these verses, you don’t really want what you say you won’t, nor will you get it. So don’t be like the average of who will even read this, who are already wag ahead of the game of most who didn’t even open this email. You are ahead of the pack, but go on further ahead and look these verses up, do these 3 things and go get what you want out of life! You are all that’s holding you back.

Ya see, the first chapter of Believe ANYWAY, my latest book, See it & Be it! digs deeper into this so if you haven’t studied it with me yet or with a group of girlfriends, ya gotta! Go get it on Amazon NOW!

So what do you and the Waldorf Astoria have in common? It was a dream for someone and you have a dream somewhere deep down there in your heart! Dig it out and place a picture of it in a prominent place so you can see it often and so you can be it!

Happy Monday!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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