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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







January 15, 2022



Are like family who you choose to be part of your life

Are like siblings you get along with and can’t wait to see again

Are like a safety net that catch you when you fall

Are like a breath of fresh air that inspires you to keep going

Are like a huge key to a healthy, happy, long life

Are like a picture of the closeness God wants to have with you and me

Are you a friend of God’s?

Does He come to you about things that are on His mind?

Are you a faithful friend to God like He is to you?

Who are your most faithful friends?

Think about them, their attributes, their qualities, what you love most about being around them.

A. Tell them. Life’s short. That’s finally something you outta just say the moment you think it (instead of the other stuff you say the moment you think it) Text that friend you are overwhelmed with thankfulness for right now! Words are free but they are not cheap! Say them. Use them….in this way more than that other way none of us need to as much….

B. Think of what adjustments you can make to be this kind of friend to someone.

C. Ask God how you can be more of a faithful friend to Him – your friendship with God will spill over into all of your other friendships. Focus on THAT friendship and you will become the happiest girl alive!

Happy Monday, Friend!



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