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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







June 6, 2022

Happy Monday!

Want the dream or the life it takes to get it?

The dream doesn’t come without the life to be lived that leads you to the dream.

Living the dream isn’t the end picture you see. It’s very different than the reel you see online.

Go for the inspirational dream in your heart, YES….but just know the way to it is living H-E-double-hockey-sticks
at times. People want to go straight from here to there.

But. It. Doesn’t. Work. That. Way.

Want a dreamy life?
There is a very high price to pay. Few are willing to do all the unreasonable it takes to land what they say they want.

Your threshold of pain will determine how far you are able to go. Your capacity for learning, growing, and sacrificing will tell the tale. Your ability to grind and rest and know when to do which one will measure whether you have the stamina to go the journey and reach the levels of success you say you want.

What do I know about this? I came from a dirt road in the back woods of Mississippi. And I’ve since crisscrossed this globe more times than I know off the top of my head sharing the gospel with thousands. I’ve gotten to be part of so many amazing efforts, ministries, podcasts, TV shows, churches, youth camps and conferences.

Success is relative but by my definition of success, I’m one of the most successful people I know. It’s not a brag but rather a testimony to the grace and favor of God. I don’t deserve the life I get to live. I don’t measure up to it often. There are many far richer than I in material things. There are many way more naturally positive & happier than I. There are many more put together on so many levels. Same with you. Yet many would give anything to live my life….well, the life I live now. I am so blessed both with things money can buy and with things money can’t buy.

But no one in their right mind would want to walk all the miles I’ve walked in my shoes.
The thing is though: those miles got me here. To a place in life that is full and satisfying, not perfect but really good!

You see what people have and who they are now but you weren’t there and have no clue the pain, the pure agony, the strain, the struggle, and endurance it took that most aren’t willing to sustain.

Ask yourself if you really want it. And whatever He leads you toward, run in such a way to WIN! Go after it with all you’ve got! One translation of the passage of scripture I’m referring to says to strain every muscle.
 But also, remember to stop and smell the roses along the way! The roses along the way and who you get to enjoy them with….that’s what it’s all about ANYWAY!

What good is a dream if you get there and no one’s there to share it with you!

Dream big but remember in all your dreaming, there’s a lot of work that goes into it and a lot of people who are a part of it!

Happy Monday!



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