“…Perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18 When we let love into our relationships, fear has to go. And that’s oh such a good thing! Here’s why…. Fear shows up in lots of packages: Insecurity Control Anxiety Assuming the worst Rejection Unrealistic expectations Being offended The last few times I was upset about a […]
August 31, 2020
We just left our youngest whom we love in Cali and are literally headed straight into New Orleans at the same time that a hurricane/tropical storm is suppose to be hitting that area. I was thinking about this and like why in the world would we leave who we love and go straight into a […]
August 24, 2020
Psych! Gotcha lol I would not touch that topic with a 10 foot pole. It would only cause division and what we need right now is EACH OTHER more than ever!!!!!! The topic I will approach though is just that! Let’s get back together, what do ya say? I need you! You need me! Of […]
August 17, 2020
Have you ever been in a situation where a relationship was threatened or you wanted to be sure the relationship didn’t become threatened? What do we do in these situations? We so often begin to try to control. Then from control is birthed manipulation. Been there on one side of this or the other? Most […]
August 10, 2020
Hey Happy Sisterhood! Can’t wait to see you again. Can’t wait to get to come back together and gather. Can’t wait to get to do all that is in our hearts after this pandemic craziness is over. Can’t wait. Can’t wait. Can’t wait. I was just at I am Woman Conference with tons of friends. […]
August 3, 2020
What’s been on my heart lately is how God is longing for a family who is the real deal. Don’t you like being in a family who is real with you or do you wish you had such if you don’t? You know who else is longing for this? The next generation. They are looking […]
July 27, 2020
I heard TD Jakes teach on this and just had to share…. The confidant is there for you not just to be loyal to the cause. A confidant lives and breathes off of their relationship with you. There are only a very few of these and you are blessed if you have three. Your constituents […]
July 19, 2020
See-Saw See-Saw….. back and forth….reminds me of my faith that wavers. I trust. Then worry. I give it to Him and take it back again. I shout for joy. Then weep and even wail. So which is it? In faith or doubt? Grateful or in misery? Hopeful or swallowed up in regret? Honestly, for me […]
July 13, 2020
How do these words hit you? Escape Get away Rest Vacay Peace Fun For years, the word ESCAPE was sort of like CHOCOLATE to me. It made my mouth water at the thought of it. I was in a constant state of the need to get away from it all. Can you relate? I’m sort […]
July 6, 2020
There’s this word>>>>>>>>>E X P E C T A T I O N SHave you ever wanted something from someone and then it wasn’t enough or has someone ever wanted more from you than you had to give them at the moment?There’s this other word>>>>>>>>>>T H A N K F U L N E S […]
June 22, 2020