You know like on a chic flick and the couple is walking through Central Park in the snow at Christmas time. A horse and buggy goes by and a couple is kissing. Then you look down the hill and see couples ice skating. Picturesque moments. Dreamy ideas we dream of. Our hearts long for the […]
August 14, 2017
Does it feel like your life is the titanic and it’s headed for certain doom at times? Or is it just me? Even though the skies are clear and your Instagram shows sure signs of partying and a wonderful time all around, is there an angst, a worry, a concern that maybe just maybe there […]
August 6, 2017
“Forgive them Father. For they know not what they do.” Jesus We have been honored and privileged to know many amazing men and women of God. We’ve found out the more recognition you have the more haters you have. What is becoming apparent is a key to being able to handle success on any level […]
August 1, 2017
Hi girls from Rosemary Beach 🌊 I am aware it’s Tuesday barely and that this is a Happy Monday blog. Haven’t you ever been late for anything? Deadlines Shmeadlines….. Oh well, who’s perfect anyway? Can you tell I’m on vacation? That above is crazy talk according to my normal nature. Right now I am […]
July 25, 2017
Do things bug you easily? Get on your nerves? One good thing about my personality that I have always been thankful for is that things do not get on my nerves easily. I think that is the one “laid back trait” I did get from my sweet mother. Kevin calls me Mother Theresa. The Strengths […]
July 10, 2017
Have you ever been “DONE!” ? Done with school. Done with a boyfriend. Done with a job. Done with a relationship. Check! Finito! Over! No more! We’ve all had spring fever when as students we are so over studying and just want to put on our swim suits & head to the beach! We’ve […]
July 3, 2017
…..happy? or does horrific or “whatever!” or thrilling or special or reflective describe the day more accurately from your seat? For some, yesterday was a day of severe thankfulness as we thought all day of how blessed our children are to have the World’s Greatest Dad in the guy we married! Others cried […]
June 19, 2017
“But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, My God of mercy.” Psalms 59:16-17 NKJV If […]
June 5, 2017
God designed us to be relational. He created us to love us. God IS love the Bible tells us. Love is actually who He is! God is love! Harvard did a 75 year long study on the secret to happiness and what they found is that the secret is love. So Harvard scientifically proved that […]
May 29, 2017
Think about every freak out moment you have had in the last week or month or year depending on how often you have them. 😂 Guess what, I’ld venture to say – It worked out! Have you noticed that one minute you can be like, “Oh no SOS!” And in ten minutes tha calm […]
May 22, 2017