Overwhelmed? Years ago, a woman of God who I respected and learned a great deal from taught me that if I was overwhelmed, that’s a tale-tale sign I haven’t been spending time in the Word, with the Prince of peace. Bam! Ikr? Right between the eyes! Didn’t have to wonder what she was trying to […]
We’ve all said it, “I just couldn’t help myself!” Come on now, yea, we both could’ve, ummmmm, but we didn’t because of one lame excuse or the other. Am I right or am I right? It’s easier to blame or ignore or slough it off as not a big deal or bottom line: simply not […]
Ever been there? One minute you feel on top of the world and the next as if you’re buried under…you’re not sure what? That’s when verses from the Bible come to mind like “Don’t grow weary in well doing” and “His burden is light and His yoke is easy” and “As a man thinks in […]
What if you focused on these boundaries? Oh how life would change for the better! Imagine with me a healthy, fit body, enough money to pay bills and extra for fun and to invest into the gospel as God leads you as much as you actually desire. A godly marriage, wonderful friends, happy children smack-dab […]
I know my blogging habits have been super sporadic lately. Like today, there’s less than an hour left for this Monday. LOL Sorry bout that but I hope to get back to routine posting Monday mornings soon. But, hey, it’s still Monday and this blog if you happen to be up late, I pray it […]
God knows your sin but calls you by your name. The devil knows your name but calls you by your sin. Who are you going to be like? Who do you say that you are? THAT is who you will be because who you SEE yourself as is who you will BE just like the […]
Wanta know something I just learned this weekend? It’s too good to not share… So what if I told you I could write you a prescription for a wonder drug that has the potential of changing your life? And it won’t even cost you a dime. Not a doctor’s visit or even a telemedicine call. Just […]
Reality is, most of us work full time or if we don’t, we find ourselves busy with God only knows what for the majority of our time! Can I get a hardy Amen?! Where does this leave our relationships? Often, it means the ones we love the most get our left overs. But why? ~ […]
Would you like a simple Goal Setting Guide that is backed by science to help you achieve the life you want? Want to THRIVE no matter what life throws at you? IS YOUR LIFE WORKING, REALLY? If so, I believe this blog can help you go from good to great or from great to fantabulous! […]
Wanta get the goals you set instead of just dream of being richer, healthier, and more fulfilled in your relationships and life in general? Hope you had a great Christmas & you’re ready to look ahead to the best year you’ve had in a while or maybe ever!!! Wanta find the disconnect between dreaming of […]