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Faith & Hope

January 2, 2023

How to Get a New Me in ’23? Pt. 2

(Wash, Rinse, ‘ Repeat from last week’s Happy Monday Blog!) 

No, you’re not seeing double and there’s no glitch, it’s on purpose! I’ve NEVER done this before ~ repeated pretty much the exact same blog two weeks in a row but this one is…..

~ long so want to be sure you get time to really digest it if you didn’t last week in the hustle and bustle of family and holidays

~ it’s a lot so I really want you to process it and not just glaze over this one

~ it’s seriously a GAME CHANGER…if you let it, this one blog could change everything for you if you ACT on what’s in it

~ it’s worth repeating because the value in this Happy Monday blog is so much that it’s sort of like not even smart of me to just give all this away that I paid dearly to learn but I just can’t help myself and it’s never been about money to me because when I do charge, up to this point, it’s all gone to missions anyway

~ it’s something I double dog dare, beseech ye therefore by the mercies of God, beg, implore, encourage, hope, ask you to pour over, dig into, chew on, take notes on, act on, grab a girlfriend and get coffee and go through it together and hold each other responsible for stuff in here because this is it, this is what you need, want, and have been longing for…it’s seriously the answer

~ it’s actually enough to lead a whole small group with if ya wanted to

~ ok, ok, ok, I think you get the point if you’re still reading. LOL It’s just I know if you’re as hungry to learn and be a better me in ’23, then you won’t be a hearer only but also a doer…so this is plenty to keep you going and pointed in the right direction for a while! And if you’re really serious, get out BELIEVE ANYWAY if you have it or if not, don’t wait, get it today ANYWHERE books are sold or at and especially focus on the last sections in each chapter / it will pull out the greatness in you! For the New Year, the ENTIRE store is 23% off so go grab it today!

Also the very last section of Happy ANYWAY is a tool I paid thousands for and if you have it, you have a road map to wherever you want to go! If not, get it! And if your super troubled in a relationship of any kind and that’s what holding you back, grab Love ANYWAY so you can deal with loss, grief, hurt, heartbreak, and move on to this stuff below! 

Here you go:

Wanta get the goals you set instead of just dream of being richer, healthier, and more fulfilled in your relationships and life in general? 

20, 21, & 22 are BEHIND US! Aren’t you ready to look ahead to the best year you’ve had in a while or maybe ever?!?! I know I am!

Wanta find the disconnect between dreaming of a better life and actually living a better life? 

Wanta finally figure out what’s missing, what’s causing the never-ending, dull, aching pain? 

Wanta know why you just can’t seem to ever get off the hamster wheel and make progress instead of just stay busy? 


1- Use your calendar. Set reminders. Hire an assistant if you can. Then delegate everything other then what only you can do so you don’t burn out. Stay tethered to your calendar so you stay the course. Aim at nothing & hit it ever time! No target, no win. Start doing the most fundamental thing you can to win! Use a calendar! Make appointments & then go to them – even ones just for you. 

2- Set goals, memorize them, and review them weekly. Write no more than 7-10 and grab a Happy Coaching bundle of 3 sessions at least once and I can hold your hand and teach you what I’ve paid over $20,000 in courses, masterminds, and seminars learning proven goal setting and time management skills that work. 

Grab your sessions here!

3- Stop saying you’re gonna one day do XYZ but decide to actually start today. There’s no time like the present. What are you waiting for? Live your best life today. 

4- Whatever you do, don’t quit. Maybe get help, tweak boundaries, get clarification, create a massive shift in expectations; therefore, deliverables but DON’T QUIT. You’re stronger than you think. There’s a way through, not out! You can do this! 

5- Get help is worth repeating from # 4 and it’s what I see people do the least. I’d say it may be the #1 difference maker in my life and my husband’s lives. When you humble yourself and ask for wisdom from who God has set you under and who is your spiritual covering, it can be the biggest game-changer ever. We were not meant to do this life alone. We were not meant to do this life without guidance. Why reinvent the wheel when there are people in your life God has set there in place to give you the wisdom you need? Ask for it. People would love to help you but you have to pursue them and ask for it. It’s the right way for it to work. Don’t suffer in silence. Get help whether it’s from a counselor, a pastor, a trusted friend who has more experience and more wisdom than you. But love yourself enough to get help before you let yourself go too much! You’re worth it!

6- Read, Read, Read but not just fiction and feel good….You are what you read. Better yourself. Invest time into yourself. One of the biggest differences in you and me are the books we read or don’t read. You want it? Go get it! It’s in a book or on YouTube. My people perish for lack of knowledge. Stop perishing when the knowledge is out there. And first and foremost read His Word daily, no-fail / you can’t afford not to. You don’t have time? Yes you do. It’s not a should thing. It’s a life or death thing and until you change this, nothing will change. 

7- Rest. Sharpen the saw or your edge will be dull and you will become useless. It’s just that simple. Every great will crash and burn if they don’t rest. Instagram isn’t real. Either that person who inspires you for more and more and more is only going to crash in a matter of time if they don’t rest. It’s a godly principle. It’s not if but when. Yes! You can do more than you think. Yes! Reach for the stars! But at some point whether people you worship put it on their feed or not, if they are as sharp as they are portraying, they are also resting. If not, eventually they will wish and would give anything to trade lives with you. My success level hasn’t been of magnanimous proportions but the success we have achieved has been what we had the capacity to manage well and enjoy. Make sure yours is something you can manage. Because what you don’t or can’t manage, you lose. Part of managing your life includes resting.

8- Have fun! Plan your HAPPY! And if I were you I’d even buy a little happy. Not limited to but including my first book HAPPY ANYWAY! Also though, invest into a vacation for your family. There is no blue ribbon at the end of life for never taking time off. Take a day and go have fun at the beach, in the mountains, at the lake. Embrace where you live! You really start LIVING there! Enjoy this earth. God made it for us!!! Stay curious. Stay playful. You may not be overworked like you think. You may just be under played. The opposite of depression is PLAY! Go play and have fun! Let yourself laugh, be a kid again. Have fun! Stop taking it all so seriously! Lighten up and live!

9- Get organized financially, digitally, functionally, and relationally. Clean out closets. Keep a clean space at home and at work. Get coffees on the calendar with friends. Finally organize all those passwords. Learn that app or software to make life easier. Work smarter not harder by getting organized. It’s a learned behavior and about discipline, not something you are or aren’t. Anyone who is organized, decided to be and so can you! Stop using the cop out like I have saying, “I try but just geeesh!” Lay down the gauntlet like I’m doing with myself and let’s do this this year! It’s a decision. There may be some limiting beliefs to deal with that are in your way. Again I can help you uncover those in Happy Coaching if you’d like. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done I think is build this coaching curriculum. Every client I take through it, I keep learning more and more myself!

10- Lastly, look for times to give but also become a good receiver. Many are not fulfilled because they are too busy talking and never learning and receiving. They will only give and they won’t get in a position to receive. Others only take & never give. It’s both. Boundaries are needed so we don’t over give and remain happy to help. We need to both give & receive love. Stop petting your limiting belief that you just aren’t a good receiver. That may be the very lid on your life. If so, lift it. 

This is only a taste of the kind of coaching you could be receiving this year to be a better me in 23! Email me at if you are ready to get help, plan a lil more happy in your life, learn to receive and not only give, get organized, learn life hacks with Calendaring and time management, read and learn more so you can stop perishing when the knowledge is there. I don’t claim to be an expert or a know it all but what I have learned, I’d love to share! I can bring up to where I am and that is a long way from where I was! 

Keep watching for free content on social media and in my blogs and be watching for our new podcast coming third Thursday in January at midnight!!!! It’s called A Life That Works. Take all you want for FREE but if you are serious and want to be a new me in 23, consider investing in yourself at 

And don’t forget about the New Year Sale! 23% off the entire store INCLUDING Happy Coaching! There are also books, an online course, conferences to register for, and merch! I’d be honored to walk with you through some of this and encourage you along your way! I hope to connect with you soon! 

Happy Monday!

Happy New Year!

Happy New You!



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