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Stress & ANXIETY

author, communicator, friend







February 13, 2023

My son is about to say “I Do” this week!

Kevin and Adrienne sittin’ in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

First came love, then came marriage, then came GAVIN in a baby carriage! 

Y’all, this Mississippi girl married a Mississippi boy, had an Alabama baby, and now he’s marrying a California girl! 


This is surreal. Feels like a runaway train a little bit and part of me wants to chase it and yet I know it’s a good thing and it’s right on track with God’s plan so instead, I stand still in gratefulness.

Oh, the peace of knowing we gave it our very best. We gave him our very best. I’m sure it wasn’t enough at times but thank God He fills in the cracks when we trust Him to. 

Gavin was such a precious little boy who turned into a handsome, strong athlete. He’s always been a kid-magnet. He followed kids from the nursery all the way to youth serving in each department as the boys graduated to the next age group at church. His heart is to serve first and foremost. His drive is to pretty much conquer the world. His mind is sharp as a tack which proved out making the dean’s list in college and graduating college amidst all the hardships 2020 threw at students knocking many down for the count. He persevered and DID IT and right afterward asked the love of his life to marry him! 

His love is one hundred percent aimed at his beautiful bride, McKenzie, who is the luckiest girl alive, well other than me 🙂 and whoever will end up with Garrison! I’m supposed to feel this way about my men, right?! …so please pardon my romantic expression in this moment!

You may be like, ok, great love story but what am I supposed to get out of this blog? 

First, let yourself enjoy young love for a moment. It’s been so good for my soul to see it up close and personal. Love makes you do crazy things and even though I wasn’t on board with some of their love-bird drastic moves, like heading across the country with a day or twos notice, but now looking back, what a love story! Even though I cried as they drove away, I am enraptured by their love for each other! Such a beautiful sight to behold!

So Mom or Dad, sibling or friend, just love and support and let go! So much easier to type than to do but it’s such a gift to your kids, siblings, and friends to believe in them.

Secondly, if your kids are moving as far away as possible while still being in the same country, I feel you! This seems like a cruel joke I’m supposed to be happy about. But the thing is, I am happy because I choose to put their happiness above my own. 

Ya know, Mom or Dad, we’ve been doing this for years and maybe it’s been practice for the ultimate “give” as a parent.

Tears stream, hearts are torn but soooo thankful to know our hearts are all toward each other and trusting God to help us have as much time together possible in this next season. We actually have goals as a family to be intentional about it! If you want me to send you our goal and action plan for being sure we keep in touch with the miles separating us, DM me on Instagram @addiecooley and I’ll send it to you to maybe use as an example for your family! 

Lastly, if you are a friend of our family, I know not many could get to California for the wedding so we are hosting a Reception in Alabama, and the more the merrier for the Reception! So if you’re anywhere near the South or want to join us in this momentous celebration, please save the date and plan to join us for the Reception on March 4th to honor Mckenzie and Gavin! The theme is Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too! 

So there will be plenty of cake for everyone! Click here to RSVP! Seriously, this is the event of the year for us!!!!! And we want to celebrate with all our friends! 

This time next week, they will be Mr. and Mrs. Cooley! It will be the day after “I do”!!!!! 

I covet your prayers for this week that all are healthy and for safe travels and for this special wedding to be exactly what they are dreaming for and have meticulously planned for it to be! I attempt to give to you each week on these blogs and this week, I hope there  has been value for you but also I would love to know your prayers are strengthening our families as we sow our greatest seeds, as we launch one of our champions, as we gain a precious daughter in love! We believe she is perfect for Gav and we couldn’t be happier with his choice! 

Happy Monday before “I do” for our first born and his beautiful bride!!!! 

Here’s to a life time of Happy Monday’s, Gavin and Mckenzie! I love you, both! 

Here’s to Moms and Dads who know how this feels ~ the joy and the excitement and the releasing of one of  the apples of your eye! This is the goal and it’s right and it’s so wonderful!



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