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Stress & ANXIETY

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Faith & Hope, Mornings, Relationships

April 1, 2024

Happy Easter Monday!

Now what? Okay, so if our dreams died on Friday and Saturday was the in-between to not give up when it looks like we are oveeerrrr…done for, and Sunday is a COUNTRY SONG IN REVERSE where we get our dog back, our truck back and our heartbreaks are mended, what happens on Monday?

Breakfast with Jesus! That’s what. My brother who lives out of state and I talked on the phone yesterday wishing each other Happy Easter and we were talking about this. He leads a men’s Bible Study on Monday night in Oklahoma in his church and he was telling me this is what he was going to talk about tonight. I was so intrigued by his question…Now what? WHAT ABOUT MONDAY? Then he asked why is it that so many Christians live lives void of the resurrection power that’s available to them? And the more we talked the more fired up he got about it realizing it’s because people don’t know what to do on Monday.

I thought, man, that’s so true. Tens of thousands of Christians will come to church on Easter and then not come again all year until Christmas. Hundreds of thousands more will come back a time or two a month or a quarter or mean to, but don’t see the value in being vitally connected to the Vine, being a functioning part of the Body of Christ, and living in community like Scripture so clearly teaches us to do. And then even still yet, so many who are “church-goin’ Christians” are living defeated lives, busted, broke, and JUST ONE OFFENSE AWAY from “church hurt”. Something must change in the way we do church, life, and family.

We were on a zoom with dozens of pastors last week and we were encouraging each other not to be disappointed the weeks following Easter because “THEY’RE NOT COMING BACK…they’re just not”. They didn’t say this next part but it’s sort of what I surmised…so just preach your heart out, give ’em the best ya got on Easter sharing the gospel, and enjoy the moment of your church full of all smiles, warm and fuzzies, and hopefully beautiful weather for egg hunts and fun festivities. (I’m praying this to not be the case this year and that by a miracle of God, that more than ever, tens of thousands willlll come back and genuinely give their lives to Jesus!)

Soooooo, what about Monday? Here is the entire, 100%, complete, exhaustive SOLUTION: Breakfast with Jesus and it doesn’t even have to be at Tiffany’s lol If believers would become hungry for The Word of God like they are for the latest podcast filling their heads with philosophy or even prophesy that is 1-3 degrees off that is satisfying their appetite for knowledge. The problem is, it’s a slow fade and they are replacing gathering with believers to have breakfast with Jesus for other social gatherings to fill their tanks or listening to their favorite angry preacher who is telling them constantly how pastors oughta this or church hasn’t done that right and getting already disgruntled people more deceived, full of angst, and confusion, driving them straight back toward “Friday”. And so the cycle continues.

I pray this blog will open your eyes to the importance of spending time in His Word, and His people. Get involved in a local church and don’t expect it to be perfect. If you find a perfect church, don’t go. You’ll mess it up 🙂 The point is – there is no such. God created us to connect. We need each other, junk and all. Look at even Jesus’ disciples. Peter is who I relate to the most but with all his issues, he chose to have BREAKFAST WITH JESUS ON MONDAY and so did I. I hope you will, too.

See, I told ya’ll it’s a Happy Monday!

Happy Easter Monday!



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