Does it feel like God Himself is resisting you? Maybe He is…ikr you weren’t expecting that were ya?! God resists the proud because they resist His voice. How to know if you are in pride: 1- you’re self sufficient 2-you think you can get by without others 3-you want the glory of being “the man” […]
I was just encouraging a friend recently to reach out to someone because they have lots in common and they could truly be iron-sharpening-iron for each other. My friend hem-hawed around, sort of making excuses as to why it was not the best idea until finally admitting, “If I’m being honest, I just don’t feel […]
As Sunday approached, anxiety set in about CHURCH week after week like a runaway train I couldn’t stop. The Lord spoke something very clearly to me this weekend and really kicked my booty. He said to me, “Adrienne, Sunday is not a problem to be solved.” You see, I’m a problem-solver TO THE CORE. And […]
Want the dream or the life it takes to get it? The dream doesn’t come without the life to be lived that leads you to the dream. Living the dream isn’t the end picture you see. It’s very different than the reel you see online. Go for the inspirational dream in your heart, YES….but just […]
Today I honor all three of my grandfathers who were in the Army, Air Force, & Marines. Thankfully they got to come home and I grew up sitting in their laps and being spoiled rotten by them as they would say. But I pause and remember all those who we lost at war, giving their […]
Yesterday at church, we had “Move up Day” where each age of our Next Gen departments at church moved up to the next age group. All afternoon, that phrase just stayed with me and I knew it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me about today’s blog. This is a prophetic word from heaven I […]
When life gets tough, life has a way of turning exclamation marks into question marks. A question mark is just an exclamation mark that’s been punched in the gut and doubled over. Don’t question In the dark what has been spoken in the light. If you only live life on the basis of what God […]
What would your life be like right now, if it were exactly how you wanted it to be? •Answer the following questions with simple answers, so simple a kindergartner could understand. •Answer them with measurable, specific, realistic answers and put deadlines on them. •Take only a minute to answer what comes right up out of […]
Happy Monday! Happy Monday ANYWAY! What’s your ANYWAY today? For the joy set before you as scripture says, you will ENDURE this and that, too. Jesus was our example as He endured the cross for the joy set before Him ~ us! We were the joy set before Him. In all that anguish, you were […]
Seasons change. Kids grow into men and women. Azaleas fill most streets and yards in Mobile, AL in the spring. Yet we got a text from a friend who had snow in Oregon just the other day. We are all in different seasons of life at any given time. What connects us? Thank God for holidays! […]