Checking up on you and your 2022 goals? How’s it going? Now it’s time to track our goals and see where we may need to adjust things to be sure we are still aiming in the direction God is leading us. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You want a LIFE HACK that will make you far more likely to […]
Happy Monday, y’all! How was your weekend? I’m talking to anyone today who is concerned about someone you love. There is usually someone in our sphere at most any given time that we are praying extra for, believing God for them wether it’s their health or their walk with God or their finances. Something, right?! […]
This is seriously a HAPPY MONDAY…. I’m saving you half the rate for HG22. Read til the end of this 5 minute blog!!! We just couldn’t help ourselves but to GIVE YOU ONE MORE DAY! I’m gonna cut right to the chase, . What if you could be […]
Happy Monday! This week Is our spring women’s event at Harvest Church and I couldn’t be more excited for what God is going to do that night! Splendor Happy Hour is happening this Friday night at 7pm and we believe that this year will be different than any other. God is going to meet us […]
You’re in good company with the Father of our faith! Ever had a vacation not go as planned? Or a day at work or a holiday dinner or a marriage? Ever seem like “this is hopeless! Now what?!” Ever been going one direction and all the doors closed or you missed a window of opportunity […]
Is there someone in your life full of hell? Or full of hellish behavior toward you? Or maybe they just are hard to love? We have a motto at our church and it’s plastered all over tee shirts, banners and social media that says ~ Loving the HELL out of MOBTOWN! We just got to […]
Happy Monday! Wanta simply share something my husband and I prayed out over our boys, ourselves, and our church and partners!!! If you are a part of our church family or an Embassy of Hope partner that helps us reach India with the gospel and helps us build churches, Bible schools and orphanages all over […]
Happy Valentine’s (Mon)Day! This weekend, I was delighted with the sweetest surprise from a dear friend that came at just the perfect time ~ a blog she wrote about my son and me back when Gavin was in 8th grade. Not sure where you are in the stage of your life. I am right smack […]
Church is the same thing it always has been. It has taken on different forms and looks differently. But it’s still what the Bible says it is. It’s the Bride of Christ so don’t mess with God’s Chic! It’s the body of Christ so if you wouldn’t dishonor Christ, then you won’t dishonor His body. […]
When broken boys bend their will and humble themselves to God: Broken boys become bold boys. Broken boys become builders of bright futures. Broken boys become beasts who are forces to be reckoned with. Broken boys become might men of valor and instead of feeling beaten down, they conquer hills that used to intimidate them. […]