Ha! Seriously! I had no idea when I wrote the 4th Chapter of Believe ANYWAY & titles it CRAZY FAITH, that sometime after I had written that, such a cool dude would become known by it. Honestly, I was ready for people to maybe critique me in what hat even means, etc. So funny! I’ve never even heard his […]
December 13, 2021
“I chose to believe ANYWAY and this is what happened. From the depth of my being I cried, “Lord, teach me to pray.” Our first born and only son was addicted to drugs. My husband and I were preparing for David’s college career and his three sisters adored their big brother. Early one morning, my […]
November 15, 2021
Have you heard? Faith is the O N L Y way to please God according to Scripture. And I know you well enough to know that’s really what your aim is. That’s at the core of all you do, right?! No doubt. But are you like me in that you are always looking for a […]
September 13, 2021
Idk bout you but I find great comfort in that…do you always know everything? Um nope😂 Me neither! Abraham, the father of our faith didn’t know where he was going but went! Even he didn’t always know everything. And if you think about it, even Jesus went places and they rejected him and He was […]
September 6, 2021
“The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life–life in all its full- ness.” John 10:10 GNT How differently would our lives be if we lived in understanding and agree- meant with this secret weapon? The secret weapon is the revelation know- edge […]
August 23, 2021
But why? …in my most Southern accent heehee Ohhhhh you’re gonna love this. Fresh revelation on this. It’s because we don’t base our faith or doctrine or response to situations on our EXPERIENCES! Boomshackalacka If your spirit didn’t just do a cartwheel inside of you, you’re not getting this. Listen : Faith comes by hearing […]
July 26, 2021
Think about it. Are you a confident person? Do you second guess yourself all the time or are you walking sure-footed into God’s will for your life? I look around and see so many floundering and wondering what their purpose is. I see college students change their majors over and over. I did the same […]
June 7, 2021
Happy Monday Y’all! During rocky times, I chose to think: “When all else failsI know I honored my parents, Lord, You promised me that it will go well with me. You have a mess on Your hands to work out on my behalf to keep Your promise, but I know You will because I trust […]
May 25, 2021
Happy Monday !!! Fifty friends Fifty flowers Fifty dollars Fifty days Fifty YEARS ! Fifty dollars may not seem like a whole lot and fifty flowers would be a good many but I’ve even planted fifty flowers before in one day. Fifty friends at a party would be some work but we’ve had fifty friends […]
April 19, 2021
All God ever requires of us is simply who He made us to be. Stop thinking you have to be more this or less of that. If we wait to be exactly how we wish we were, we would join the masses in making no real difference in this world. Ask yourself these questions to […]
March 29, 2021