Lord, help me really see… Yesterday, I got wrecked on the front row at the very end of the last service of the day by this prayer and I double-dog dare you to pray this same prayer… Lord, help me to really see what YOU want me to see, how YOU see things, and then […]
No one sets goals to be unhealthy, poor, depressed, or divorced. But far too many find themselves exactly there. What if I told you most of us have pretty similar goals? But, Adrienne, you’ve been telling us for weeks on this Happy Monday Blog the importance of setting goals so hmmmm??? I can hear you […]
What if this new year actually could be happier than any other so far? What if you have what it takes to do what is in your heart? Good news!!!! HOLD UP before you think 🤔 Yadda Yadda….another Bubble Gum, Feel Good, Empty promise, Hyped up blog. I promise, this blog is not going to […]