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Stress & ANXIETY

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Faith & Hope, Happiness, Stress/Anxiety

April 3, 2023

Happy Monday

Did you know Monday has been proven to typically be the most productive day of the week? Specifically the 10 am hour. So, if you are one who drags in on Mondays or says things like, “Just another manic Monday”…you can shift your mindset to expect Monday to be productive, happy, and not manic.

I’ve been writing Happy Monday Blogs now for close to 10 years to try and help people turn their manic Mondays into Happy Mondays. I’ve attempted to help you get your week started off with more of a sure footing. Today, I want to challenge you to see Mondays as a simple reset. How great is it that scripture tells us His mercies are new every morning?! It’s like we get a fresh start each day, each week, each month, each year, each decade. I love that we can renew our minds with The Word. Isaiah 43 says, “See, I am doing a new thing.” Acts 3 says times of refreshing come from God’s presence.

On this Monday, I pray for you to experience a fresh start. Let God’s Word renew your mind today. Today, I pray you are able to let go of things that have been holding you back. If you’ve dealt with anxiety or panic attacks, I pray for a peace to wash over you like never before and for you to walk in a level of joy and confidence that that irradiates fear. Here’s an idea for you: Write down what concerns you and ask God to show you what He is doing behind the scenes or in your heart to perfect those things. Write down what He speaks to your heart. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to a verse you can stand on for each situation that before wrecked your peace.

Expect times of refreshing to come each time you are in His presence. And if you make a point on this Monday and each Monday to spend the upcoming week praying without ceasing. Let’s live vitally connected to The Vine that is constantly pumping us full of life, full of peace, joy, and patience. When people come against you or irritate you, they cannot disconnect you from your constant flow of goodness. Let this blog inspire you to be determined this week to not let anything pull you away from your life source.

Maybe, last week you blew it or maybe it was this weekend. It’s ok. Put it behind you. Let go of it. Forgive yourself or whoever you need to forgive and let yourself go free starting over today. Throw yourself on the mercy seat and walk out this week in the state of righteousness Jesus came, died, and rose again to give you. You are the righteousness of God in Christ. Act like it. Walk like it. Talk like it. Think like it.

Happy Monday!



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