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Stress & ANXIETY

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Goals, Happiness, Mornings

June 5, 2023

How to start your day well

Hi friend,

Time to pick your goals back up that you started the year off with strong and steady! We are almost to the half way mark of 2023. How’s it going? Remember, this is our Michael Jordan year! And I have a challenge for you that a friend of mine is doing and I just LOVE IT! It’s all about how to start your day. Would you agree that your entire day is worth a small investment of 5, 10, or 23 minutes? Would you believe me if I told you, this was a key part of how I was able to write three books and accomplish many goals I’ve set over the years? Win the morning. Win the day. It’s true.

Let’s pick up the pace for our Psalm 23 year! Try this rhythm of how to start your day for the rest of the year. I double dog dare ya to do one of the following. Pick the one you can do and challenge yourself to it for at least the summer. You won’t want to stop and I predict you will choose to continue it throughout the whole year and maybe for the rest of your life. I started doing something similar years ago and it’s my favorite part of the day. Try doing the 23/23/23 since it’s our Psalm 23 year.

📖 23 minutes a day with God in His Word, prayer, & journaling 

📅 23 minutes a day reviewing goals or listening to a podcast, reading a leadership book ~ something to make you better at what you do

🏋️‍♀️ 23 minutes in the gym or walking or exercise of some kind! 

Or you may want to do the 10/10/10 – John 10:10 says the enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy but Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. This time you invest will produce more abundance, no doubt. Try it! If you don’t have as much time to invest, here is another way to start your day:

📖 10 minutes a day with God in His Word, prayer, & journaling 

📅 10 minutes a day reviewing goals or listening to a podcast, reading a leadership book ~ something to make you better at what you do

🏋️‍♀️ 10 minutes in the gym or walking or exercise of some kind! 

Or perhaps in this season, you can only muster up 5/5/5 – that’s ok! You wouldn’t believe the gold I mined out of Psalm 23:2 today in 5 minutes. God spoke to me something so profound from that verse this morning I have never seen before in just 5 minutes. Life changing actually. So don’t underestimate what God can do in you with whichever of these plans you can commit to. The key is to be honest with yourself and commit to invest in yourself each day. 5 is the number of grace so if you need to give yourself grace in this season and all you’ve got is 5 minutes for each of these things in this season, start with 5 minutes and as you do this, I’m telling you, your appetite will grow and before long you’ll find yourself at 10 minutes, then 23, and who knows! But be ok with 5 minutes and enjoy this you-time!

📖 5 minutes a day with God in His Word, prayer, & journaling 

📅 5 minutes a day reviewing goals or listening to a podcast, reading a leadership book ~ something to make you better at what you do

🏋️‍♀️ 5 minutes of body movement or exercise of some kind! 

✔️ You can do this! You are either growing in your skills or out of your britches (funny not funny, right?!) or farther apart from someone you love or closer to people who matter most or growing more and more depressed or anxious. You are not staying the same. You are changing right now as you read this for the better or worse. It’s your choice! WILL you be happy or sad? WILL you go to the next level or won’t you? WILL you go on all the explorations God has for your life or will you settle in for the safe and mundane like everyone else? Will you consider how you start your day and just see if it makes a difference for you?

I know you! You are gonna get up from this place and MOVE! MOVE forward, up, out and into LOVE, PEACE, REST, COMMUNITY, & HEALTH! 

And I wanta go with YOU! Check out this link if this helped you and you want more of this HAPPY. There’s a whole lot more of this where that came from waiting on YOU in my Happy Coaching Sessions ! Let’s journey together. I need people coaching me and so do you! I can help you locate what’s been holding you back, encourage you as you face things you’ve maybe never fully faced before, and share practical steps to help you finally be great at time management and goal setting so you can live a life that works!

Maybe you can’t commit to Happy Coaching right now and maybe you have a quick question about this blog or making it work for you. If so, DM me on Instagram or email me at If you have a quick question or two about goal setting or time management or pretty much anything, I’m here for you and would love to pray with you about what’s on your mind! Reach out and as as I can, I will get back to you and see how I can encourage you in this season!



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